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I walked into the school and I smelt fear, it was probably coming from me. I felt so stupid when I walked into the school because I didn't know where to go. I saw the office so I quickly walked into there so I could hide myself from people and ask then where I'm supposed to go. I entered the office and saw a lady with brown hair and blue eyes sitting on the phone and she was the only one in the room so i respectfully waited for her to be done on the phone but while I was waiting she said "sorry can't talk anymore" to the other person on the line on the phone and she hung up. "Hello what do you need" she asked me. My heart dropped I was so nervous I stumbled a bit "umm I uh don't really know where to go" I blushed. "You're a freshman right ?" she smiled at me. "Yes I am "I replied. "My name is Ms.Morgan" she shook my hand.I smiled back at her cause I just didn't really know what to say. "So um do you know your classes" she sighed."Umm no that's why I'm here" I murmured."Well what's your name and last name and I can find your classes Ms.morgan said."Audrey sanders" I told her."Sanders!?" She raised her voice.I just nodded my head.So she typed it in the computer and she printed out my classes.She handed me the piece of paper and told me where each class is and the piece of paper she  printed out already told me what time my classes are and everything so I think I was ready to leave the office and start my day."thank you" I smiled."you're very welcome" she smiled back. I started feeling pretty awkward so I just headed for the door right about when I was going to open my door ms.morgan yelled "wait!".I turned around and sighed at her.It was really quiet and awkward."What do you want?" I asked.She started stuttering "is un your fathers name um ah Robert Sanders?" She asked. "Yes " I replied."Oh um uh okay have a good day " she said and leaded me out the door. That was really strange I thought.I tried not to think about it because I wanted to at least try to have a good day.So on the sheet Ms.morgan gave me it said I have math first period which was down the hall so I headed down the hall with butterflies in my stomach.I walked into the class and there was only two seats left one beside some guy with black hair sleeping and drooling the other seat was beside a girl with curly brown hair and a nice blue dress so I decided to sit beside her because maybe we could even be friends.I walked towards the seat and sat down."Um sorry this seat is taken" she said with attitude."Well there is nobody sitting here "I said.She rolled her eyes at me and starting playing with her nails.I got annoyed with her so I slammed my chair back into the desk and walked across the room to get to the other seat beside the drooling guy.By the time I got there the teacher has started his lesson.I totally zoned out I didn't even hear his name.The bell rang which woke the drooling guy beside and the bell  meant it was time for science class so I got up from my seat and headed out the door.When I got to the hall I saw a cute guy with blue eyes and brown hair blocking the hall but I mean I was totally fine with him being there."hey" I said quietly."oh hi oh sorry am I blocking your way" he blushed."no I mean yea but like its cool" I smiled awkwardly."so what's your name" he smiled. " Audrey "I smiled,"how about you"I asked."Trevor" he winked".My heart literally dropped when he winked I mean I still had a boyfriend."Well I um have to head to science class"I stuttered,"see you around" I murmured."oh hey wait I have science right now too"! He smiled. I literally got scared and I said "yay"in the most sarcastic voice ever.Trevor just looked at me and started walking with me to science.It was super awkward,we got to science and learned about global warming and stuff I don't really find interesting  and about 70 minutes later the bell rang for lunch.I rushed out the door because I was starving and of course Trevor ran up behind me and asked if I wanted to sit with him at lunch.Trevor is super nice but I wasn't really sure if I'm ready to talk and make friends and stuff,but if I wasn't sitting with Trevor I would be sitting by myself so I just shrugged to him and said "sure".He held my hand and leaded me to the cafeteria.I felt really awkward ,like always.As soon as we walked into the cafeteria it smelt like poop.I already knew the food was gonna be gross just because of the smell in the cafeteria."Stay here Audrey" trevor smiled and walked away. Well umm where else am I supposed to go I thought in my head but I just waited for him to come back,but he never came back so I just walked to the bathroom in the cafeteria and stayed there until the bell rang for the next class which for me was Phys Ed.It felt like I was in the bathroom for years ,but all of a sudden I heard the door creak and open so I ran into the stall as fast as I could and locked it.I was waiting for them to leave the bathroom so I could leave the stall but the bell rang so I didn't know what to do because the girl was still in the bathroom and I didn't wanna get out but it was time for class.I couldn't wait any longer so I opened the stall and ran out the door without making any contact with the girl in the bathroom.I heard her yell "EW YOU DIDNT EVEN WASH YOUR HANDS YOU NASTY!" I just kinda ignored her and walked to the gymnasium where Phys Ed is being held.When I walked in there was only girls which I guess it meant Phys Ed was an only girls class.In that class we played dodgeball which was boring,after Phys Ed it was the end of the day and all I was thinking about is what my mom wanted to tell this morning,but she told me she will tell me after school.I couldn't get my mind off it.The gym teacher yelled at me for not paying attention I got pretty embarrassed but shrugged it off I didn't really care about it,I only cared about what my mom wanted to tell me.Finally the bell rang so I ran out the school to find my moms car.When I got out of the school o saw Trevor and two other boys smoking cigarettes.I was so confused I thought he was 14 like me.I just tried to hide from him so he wouldn't see me and I ran towards the car.I opened the door to the car and sat in the front seat since Riley wasn't there yet."How was your day at school " mom sighed."okay" I smiled,even thought it was terrible."So mom can you tell me what you wanted to tell me earlier?" I asked."fine but you can't tell Riley yet " she said."okay"I sighed.Tears started rolling down my moms cheeks, "what is it?" I said quietly."We didn't really move to Chicago for dads job" she sobbed."THEN WHY DID WE" I yelled,"MOVING HERE RUINED MY LIFE" I cried.My mom started sobbing more "your dad has a girlfriend" she sobbed. "YOURE KIDDING RIGHT!" I yelled so loud.My mom just couldn't stop crying so I got out the car and ran away from the car with tears streaming down my face. Trevor saw me and he ran up to me with his cigarette "hey are you okay?" he panicked."GET AWAY FROM ME" i bumped him away from me and I ran the opposite direction from my mom and Trevor with tears in my eyes and tears rolling down my cheeks.

Authors note :Chapter 3 should be out in about a week or less

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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