Chapter one

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 Sandy comes to Delhi from Amritsar with her husband Kelly, in-laws and children with a hope of better living. She walks out of train and walks on platform with family. Son drops a delicate pot and parents scolds him. Sandy sees her daughter Jassi is missing and gets worried. Jassi comes and says her leg got stuck in the hole and she tripped. Jassi holds Sandy's hand and they all walk out of railway station. Taxi drivers surround them. Kelly says he needs single taxi which can carry them and their luguage. One taxi driver agrees. They all drop luggage in taxi. Jassi's Grandpa says sandy  was right, their life in Amristar finished and their new life in Delhi will start from today. Kelly says he always takes his daughter-in-law's side. 

Jassi's Grandma asks Sandy to get her water and Sandy sends Jassi to bring water from nearby shop. Jassi leaves. Kelly asks where is Jassi.?

Sandy says she went to bring water and will be daring like tigress in delhi. They all get into taxi and leave before Jassi could sit. Jassi runs behind taxi but could not stop it. She calls Sandy and kelly via PCO, but their phones are not reachable. Sandy and Kelly check their mobile and see zero network. Kelly then sees some signal passing repeatedly and asks driver why is he revolving around same signal. He says signals look same and they are taking U turn. Kelly starts fighting with him. He stops car and asks to search address himself and gets all their suitcases out.

A girl passing by helps Sandy and asks from where they are coming. Sandy says railway station. Girl says it takes not more than 30 rs.  Sandy says he demanded 1500 rs. Girl confronts driver takes pics of his taxi and license number. Driver gets afraid and requests to pay 500 rs at least. Girl asks Sandy to pay 350 rs.

Family then sees Jassi missing and panic. Girl says she will help them and get her car. Sandy and Kelly get into car and leave with girl. Jassi continues calling via PCO, but phones are not reachable. Nikki clashes with her. Jassi apologises. Nikki says it is okay and sees her crying. she asks if she is fine. Jassi says yes. Nikki says she is not and asks if she eloped from house. Jassi says no and tells she came from Amritsar and went to bring water for her family when taxi left her alone. Nikki takes Sandy's phone number, calls and scolds how can she leave her daughter alone in the new city.She then tells where they are and ask for their home address so she could drop Jassi home safely.She notes down the adress and says we will reach in few minutes.


Sandy and Nikki are shocked to see each other after many years and start fighting. Everyone are shocked seeing them fisting each other. They then hug each other and laugh emotionally. Everyone ask what is happening. They both say they are childhood friends from school days. Riya asks Sandy if she will complain against her to mom about her driving the car in such a small age.Sandy nods no. Kelly says Sandy let us go now everyone are tired after traveling. Nikki invites Sandy to her house tonight. Both friends then disperse smiling at each other.

At Nikki's home, Ria says she is going for a movie with her friends. Nikki denies permission. Her husband enters and handles situation.

Jassi cries reminiscing railway station incident and Kulvinder scolding her. Sandy sees Jassi looking at Kelly and says her papa loves her a lot and is worried for her and reminisces her childhood incident when she learnt walking first and Kelly was worried for her safety. She encourages her that she should become tigress like other girls of Delhi. Jassi hugs her.

Nikki scolds Ria continuously. Her husband signals daughter to apologize mom. Ria apologizes to Nikki and then she forgives Riya.

Kelly asks Sandy if they have to really go to Nikki's house today, what will her husband say. Sandy says she knows Nikki's husband, he is also from the city where Nikki and I wre brought up. She says he was kinda jolly boy, but today Nikki's life has changed with servants, cars, etc.. Kelly says even then he wants to be in limits and not dream high. Sandy says his simplicity attracts her.

Nikki forces Ria to wear traditional attire to impress Sandy's family and Sandy forces Jassi to wear torn jeans and top to impress Nikki's family. Jassi gets embarrassed wearing torn jeans, hiding exposed parts and asks if she can wear normal indian clothes.Sandy tells Jassi that torn jeans are common in Delhi.

Sandy with Jogi and Kelly reaches Nikk's house .They walked for a minute because they were in the same street.Sandy gives the gift to Nikki and Nikki greets them and asks where are other family members. Jogi says he and mummy/papa are punctual and others a bit lazy. Nikki's husband greets them. Jassi enters wearing torn jeans with grandma and grandpa.Kelly fumes seeing that and scolds Sandy that he will not let her force Jassi to change. Ria goes and changes to her usual jeans and top on her father's permission. Nikki sees Jassi uncomfortable and asks reason. Jassi says she is suffocating in western dress and wore it on mum's order. Sandy says she wanted to match her to Delhi culture. Nikki tells Jassi to sit. Grandma  jokes that both children are exchanged by mistake, Jassi should be with Nikki and Ria with Sandy. Sandy  says she likes Ria a lot. Their conversations continue until it's dinner time.

She asks Nikki when all her relatives are in Amritsar, why did not she come to meet them all these years. Nikki asks Raj brings snacks and cool drinks. Raj brings cool drinks and says let us make new friendship. Kelly sips drink and spits it and asks what is it. Raj says it is whiskey as punjabis like it. Kelly says all punjabis are not same. Ria says whats wrong in alcohol and nonveg. Kelly tries to leave, but Grandpa stops him.

Nikki says she will go and get dinner. Sandy follows her and says her lifestyle has changed a lot and asks what happened to her boyfriend who used to roam around her. Nikki says it is her past and Raj is her present. They continue reminiscing their past and friendship.

Jogi sees Ria sitting alone with mobile and asks Jassi to go and speak to her. Jassi goes and says her skirt is nice, if she is comfortable in it. Ria says yes and asks if she wore jeans on her mom's insistence. Jassi says yes. Ria asks when did she buy it. Jassi says her aunt gifted her some 2-3 years ago. Ria asks why is she wearing it when she is not comfortable. Jassi says her parents order is utmost important to her. Nikki comes with Sandy and says Jassi is right. She invites everyone for dinner.

Everyone sits for dinner. Sandy asks Nikki to tell about Ria's school. Nikki says it is best school in city and students become docs and engineers. Kelly says Jassi was going to the advance college because got a transfer from Amritsar to Delhi's branch. She is a brilliant student and was board's topper. Nikki gets happy and looks at Ria. Sandy asks again to tell more. Kelly says when he has already decided, there is no need for another school. Jassi's jeans button breaks and she gets embarrassed. Sandy lowers her top and Kelly asks her to go home and change. Ria ties her scarf around jassi's waist and says people will think it is a fashion.

At home, Sandy asks Kelly repeatedly to think about Ria's shchool for Jassi. He says his decision is final and though she makes him agree to her decisions always, this time he will not listen. In the morning, Sandy hurriedly makes breakfast and packs Kelly's breakfast. He says he will have at home itself and eats it. She insists to go soon and he gets up. She then asks to rethink about school. He says again his decision is final and leaves.

Nikki asks Raj that why did he give whiskey to Kelly. He says it is common punjabi culture. She says she wants Jassi and Ria to be best friends like she and Nikki are.

Sandy comes to Nikki's home and gives her favorite punjabi dish to Nikki and says let's go to school now. Nikki asks if she took Kelly's permission. Sandy says no. Nikki says trust is most important in relationships. Sandy says it is her children's future's issue and she will not compromise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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