Chapter 9: Birth to Now

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Dr. W. D. Gaster POV

I rushed out of my lab. I can't believe it! It was finally happening. My boys! I thought. I ravenously looked for my keys. "WHERE DID I PUT THEM!" I screamed. "R-right h-here sir." Mynapprentice said shyly. "Ahh... Thank you Alphys." She was so small. She was about 6 at the time learning to be a scientist to take my place. I grabbed the keys. "Thank you. See you and maybe you can see my boys!" I bragged. She giggled. "WAIT! THE TWINS ARE BEING BORN! YOU'D BETTER HURRY! Mrs. Gaster can be impatient at times! I remember her in here ranting about baby names!" She said excitedly. I rushed into a small teleported. I was immediately teleported to the hospital. I ran into the hospital room. I was speechless. In the bed... Lay a pile of dark ash. And in two cribs to the side were my boys. The medical doctor came in to tell me all about how my wife suffered severe deficiency of persistence in her soul. "Huh..." I started to cry. CRACK! "GAH!" I noticed a crack on my upper right eye leading to the top of my skull. "Goodness." I said. The soul experiment is destroying me. Shit! This wasn't supposed to happen! I mentally slapped myself. I took my boys. "When will they be able to leave?" I asked with a rather hoarse voice. "Tomorrow." The medical doctor said.
I waited another excruciating, lonely, depressing day at the hospital. "They can be released." The doctor handed me the birth certificates. One read
The other
I laughed. We all were named after fonts in this family. Win Din Gaster, Pristina, and now Sans and Papyrus. I laughed a little as tears slid down my face. Sans seemed to take on Pristina's face shape, while Papyrus toon mine. Both of them had my colors. One had orange the blue. Tears streamed off my face like water falls. I had no idea whether it be joy or depression. Sans had my wife's old blue hoodie wrapped around him. And Papyrus had a red scarf. I walked out. I saw Alphys. "What are you doing here young one." I patted her head. "I came to se yo- woah... Sir... Your eye!" She looked up horrified at the crack in my eye.  "Oh yes, this rather large crack. It seems my experiment with joy is going horribly wrong." "You can say that again sir. Where's Pristina?" I gulped. "She's unfortunately passed in labor." Her face became solemn. "I apologize sincerely for your loss sir." She said. I handed her my boys. "Well my twins survived. This one is Sans and this is Papyrus!" She laughed. "Still keeping it on the fonts huh sir." I laughed a little. "I guess so." "HOWS IT GOIN YOU TWO!" Alphys faced turned red. "Oh H-hi U-Undyne." She stuttered. "AWWW IS THAT THE NEW TWINS?" I laughed at her enthusiasm. "TREAT EVERY NEW POTENTIAL ROYAL GAURD MEMBER WITH A SMILE!" Papyrus kept laughing. "Let me snap a photo!" I said. I took a quick snap of the two girls holding my new sons. I smiled. "Come on girls we must go back to my lab." I told them. I sat there and pondered. How am I going to teleport with my boys AND the two girls? I took Sans and left Papyrus with Undyne since he seemed more than content with her. We made a chain of hands and then teleported. When we got back to the lab Undyne started to question the powers. She twiddled a small spear in which she had summoned. "So will they both be able to teleport and use all the stuff you use?" "They should, but I'm not sure. Undyne, you must watch my twins I have... Business to attend to... Dr. Alphys come with me." "Yes sir!" She followed me to the true lab. "Asgore has asked me a rather... Difficult request." "And that would be sir?" "He asked me to experiment on the 5 human souls we have now. By dissecting them and seeing the chemical and emotional composition to see what's so different and do special." "O-oh... That's a rather... Difficult experiment." "That's the point. Can you get me the container the has the yellow soul in it?" "Yes sir!" She left. I took out my soul. "Let's have a look see." Goodness! There was one large crack in my soul, on the left side. And on the right I saw a small crack. I had been using soul extract injection. And it seems it's destroying my soul. Soon I'll be nothing but a pile of dust. Oh dear... This is a... Predicament. "I'm back sir! And if you don't mind me asking... W-what c-caused that crack?" She drew her finger in the direction of the scar. I rubbed my pointer over it. I'd never realized deep it was in the first place. It was a clean split. "Oh, m-my injection e-experiment... It seems to be slowly destroying my soul. I uhh... Did not expect this in my hypothesis... Heh." Alphys face turned Grimm. "B-but sir! I had s-some t-too... Will it affect m-me." "You haven't had any weird side effects, like... Emotional distress or... Odd nightmares!" She shook her head. "You just have had a more concentrated amount. *sigh* I wish you luck sir." "Please... I'm getting sick of sir... Call me Dr... Or just Gaster." I said. I was sick or sir because I was not some important prestigious person... I was just a skeleton who had a gift. I looked at the yellow, glowing soul. I put into a machine that would take a tiny piece of it and dissect that particular piece. I saw on the computer. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL OF BRITAIN!" I exclaimed. "These souls.... They are so... Unstable... THIS MAKES NO SENCE!" I was already frustrated too many question arose from one mere dissection. I slammed my fist on the table. I started to twitch and make unintelligible vowel sounds. "SIR?" Alphys said. I was kicked out of my body quickly. I watched myself. "SIR... PLEASE... DON'T HURT ME!" I watched as that... Thing... Came toward Alphys. It was speaking in morse, I was pretty sure about that. It said. "Don't worry Alphys dear... I'm just going to experiment on you." I watched as it snatched up Alphys. She screamed. Undyne ran in. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF HADES!" She yelled. Then she threw a spear into the creature. I regained control. My body morphed back into my tall slender body with my lab coat and everything. "WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT YOU LUNATIC?!?!?" Undyne said poking a spear at my sternum. "My experiment went totally-" I was cut off by my own scream of pain. CRACK! My left eye down to my mandible made a clean split. "Alphys... You may still be young... But my soul is fighting to stay alive and I may not make it out of this with myself intact. I need you to be my successor... You will be the new royal scientist after I have left this plane." "BUT GASTER!" She retorted. "DO NOT QUESTION ME DO YOU HERE ALPHYS!" "Y-yes sir." She said shyly. She started to cry. I kneeled down and held her close. "Shhh... Dear Alphys I am in a very bad position... Do not take anything I say into reality... Please... I am very stressed. Can you forgive me for my terrible behavior." "Yes sir!" Her mood sung right around. I heard bawling groom the other room. "That must be the boys." I walked in and laughed. "No tears? They want attention!" I laughed and sat both on my lap. "Scientist and Dad... Big positi-" My boy Sans stuck his hand through my eye socket before I could finish. He laughed and laughed. "Comedian huh..." I said. "Just like your mother..." I looked over there on my left was the little Papyrus. He had an orange glow to his cheek bones. He was sleeping. "Sleepy big huh?" Undyne took him. "I THINK HE IS ROYAL GIARD MATERIAL! MAYBE I WILL TRAIN HIM WHEN I'M OLD ENOUGH!" She proclaimed.

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