Welcome To New Orleans!

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Song: down in new Orleans
Play it any time ;3
- A few years pass -

Kankri Walked inside his room, his white hair all messy, he kicks off his shoes and closed the door. He sighed and walked to the mirror and took off his apron, he pulled out his drawer from his night stand '' Well, mister Kankri, Rough night for two's forLilCal's'' He put the change in a can and pushed the can pack with the other 6 or so cans in there, and he closed the drawer. He unfolded a piece of paper and smiled, it was the same paper his father gave to him with the words 'Kankri's place'. He placed the paper down flat and moved his messy hair out of the way ''Don't you worry sir, were almost there'' he kissed his two fingers and placed it on the picture of his father and smiled. He sleepily walked to his bed and flopped onto the bed, totally passing out and snoring loudly, then his alarm clock starting blaring loudly, Kankri lifted his foot and put it on his alarm clock which made it stop. He got up and changed into his new outfit ''Good night Cal's, Goodmorning Jane's'', He than ran onto the train which was passing by his house.

- Skip! -

Kankri was busy reading this magazine, A man beside him was staring at Kankri, he had a love struck expression, the man leaned over and picked a flower off. Kankri looked up and ran off the train, whent he man came back to give the flower to Kankri the other man who was to the left of Kankri looked down at the man with the flower, the smaller guy look up and eyes widen to see this weird muscle man. Kankri fixed his jacket and was about to walk but a band of street performers was playing their instruments and walking and blocking Kankri. When the 4th man walked off Kankri was about to walk but another guy walked more, and his work was so close!. He tried running but the last guy grabed Kankri's hand and twirled him then Kankri yanked his hand back and ran to his job. The chef already had 6 plates ready and stacked on top of each other, Kankri grabbed the plates and quickly placed them infrount of the 6 people who were sitting by an up and close little table. Kankri was making Honey and powder Beignets, He grabbed the plate and placed down infrount of a man who was in the military, the military man bit one of the Beignets and smiled with that he saluted Kankri, Kankri looked back and saluted back. The chef tapped Kankri's shoulder with his spatula then Kankri looked back at the chef and the chef placed 4 more orders infrount of Kankri.

- Now we take a look on the streets :33 -

A man with fuzzy black hair with some cake make-up on with black paint with a pattern of having sewn up lips named Kurloz Makara placed a card down, The man who was visting him took off his hat and frowned, he was Bald ( dont ask o-o ). Kurloz grabbed the card and blew on it and pink smoke blew everywhere at the man who was visting, The visting man went up to a lovely, yet beautiful women, he smoothed back his hair and gave a flirtatious look, then hair grew everywhere on him, the women screamed and slapped the man with her purse and left. The man was shoved infrount of Cafe window, He saw himself all hairy and screamed too. Kurloz chuckled with a devilish smirk and puts a coin in his jacket pocket, he looked over and saw Meenah's father grab a news paper and hand over a big load of cash to the kid who was selling them out, Kurloz's purple-ish eyes widen and watched as the car drove off, he stared off at something, a shadow of himself pulls the coin out and they both growl. Meenah's father started reading the news paper, and the paper said 'News flash!: Prince Cronus Has come to New Orleans!'.

- Now we zoom out of this little scene and see how our little Prince Cronus is ;3 -

Cronus is Walking down some stairs to actually stand in New Oleans and theres camera flash's everywhere. Cronus rips off his prince clothing and crown off and is wearing a biker jacket,white t-shirt, and some leather pants, he holds a guitar and jumps down to the crowd and a bunch of girls gasp and have a sweet love struck face. Cronus see's the street performers and joins them, the group of girls let go of him and frown and like 2 of them fall. Cronus's hunch man 'Rufioh' was carrying the bags then he fell down the stairs and all the luggage fell and Cronus's crown fell onto his little rump.

- Now we zoom on Meenah! -

She is running into her daddy's car and sitting right next to him. Her dad gives her the news paper and she reads the fine print of 'Prince Cronus is in- bladdy blah blah blah!' ( too lazy for writing it again :/ ), she squealed and and hugged the paper.

A band of street former pass Kankri's job and Kankri hands over a cup of coffee to a man who's outside and is cleaning the other tables off. Cronus stopped infrount of Kankri and smiled, Kankri rolled his eyes in disgust and walked inside, Cronus shrugged like 'Whatever' and walked off with the Street performs. And Meenah and her Dad's car stop infrount of 'Jane's Cafe'. Kurloz just so happened and saw the car and scowled.

''Order up!'' The Chef named 'Jane' placed pancakes with budder on top and hit this little bell with her spatula, Kankri was walking back until one of the customers raised his mug and said ''Another Coffee here Chef!'' Kankri turned around and poured Coffee into the man's coffee ''Right away Berglamore'', another group call out ''Hey! Kankri!'' Kankri walked over ''Good morning Roxy!'' everybody at the table with Jade all greeted Kankri ''Whatcha ya all doing tonight?'' Roxy smiled and did this thing with her shoulders ''We all dancing tonight! Wanna come?'' Everybody nods happily ''You know I hate going out and off on my feet, beside i-'' once he placed down an order he looked at the little kid who was sitting with his mother and was making a mess, He handed a napkin to the kid ''Here you go sweety''. ''I'll be working after shi-...Here you go sir!'' He placed down another order for the man who was sitting across from the mother and son. ''Here you go hot cakes.....So,So i cou-'' Roxy rolled her eyes and in a sarcastic tone and said ''So you could save for your resturant, I know I know'' She put her hand on her cheek and looked disgusted ''Dude!! All you ever do is work!!'' Jane yelled ''ORDER UP!!'' Kankri looked back at Jane then at the group ''M-maybe next time'' as he walked off he heard Jake say ''See! I told ya'll he wouldn't come!'' Kankri stopped and frowned and looked at the group, ''You were talking about the damn restaurants again?'' Jane said swaying her red cooking spoon around, Kankri rolled his eyes and cleaned some dishes '' Your eggs are burning '' Said Kankri grabbing some more of finished and ready serve plates ''Your never gonna open your own place'' Jane was sorta giggling ''I'm getting close'' Jane stared at Kankri and stopped laughing ''hehe, like how?'' Kankri had this annoyed expression ''Where my flap-jacks?'' Jane started laughing and placed this big plate with pancakes and added 2 more big plates of other orders and Jane started acting like a crazy loonitic in the kitchen. The door opens and bell goes off ''Morning Mr.Peixes!'' The man sat down by the window ''Morning KanKri!'' Kankri was serving and picking up dirty dishes off some tables ''Congratulations on the kingdom boating operator'' The man patted his stomach ''Caught me completely by surprised,which was on the fifth year in a row!'' He chuckled with happiness. ''Now how about some our-'' Kankri approched and put down what Mr.Peixes was wanting ''Here you go sir!, your batch was waiting for you'' Mr.Peixes chuckled more ''Well, keep it coming, till I pass out!'' Meenah burst in ''Oh Hey! Kankri!!'' she was soo happy that she did a tiny happy dance towards Kankri ''Kan kan kan kan!! I got some greaaat news!!'' She does a happy run towards her dad ''Tell her daddy! tell him tell him!!'' Mr.Peixes cleared his through ''Prince Cronus'' Meenah copied ''Prince Cronus, Prince of ( something can't think of it, make it up yourself please )! Is coming to new orleans!" She squealed and Mr.Peixes looked at Meenah, she started shaking her father with excitement "TEEEELL HIIIM!!! " he smiled " Well I invi- " she sat on her knees and swung her arm around her dad " He invinted the prince to the Maskaraid ball tonight!!, tell her the else daddy! "  he opened his mouth but shut it and looked at Meenah, she said 'go on' he almost said a word or sentence then she spoke "And he's sta-" Mr.Peixes shoved one of his food into Meenah's mouth and spoke up "And hes staying as my personal guess" Meenah nodded and munched on the little toast jelly. Kankri came back with more food " And my momma always said ' to get to a man's heart.....is through his stomach" as he set the plate down he patted Meenah's father's stomach. Meenah bounced up " THAT'S IT!!!" She grabs her father's food out of his hand and quickly ran to Kankri "What just happened?" Said Meenah's dad " Kankri! You bonified genius! I need about 500 of your man catching foods at my ball tonight! Meenah ran to her father and grabbed her Dad's wallet and opened it, she grabbed out alot of cash and gave it to Kankri "Would this cover it!?!" Kankri's eyes widen and smiled "This is perfect!, thank you Meenah!! This is it! I'm getting my resturant!" He hugged Meenah and nodded and squeeze in excitement. Jane stared from the kitchen, jaw dropped, face full of WHAT THE FVCK!?!," My prince is finally coming, and sure as heck ain't letting him go!!" Meenah clapped and grabbed her dad and ran to the car.

Kurloz was in the dark part of the resturant and smiled with a abit of evil in his expression and looked at his shadow which steps aside and smiles back. 


CronKri: Prince and the trollWhere stories live. Discover now