Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Erik rolled down the window of his Rolls-Royce Phantom and glared at the man standing outside. "You have put me in a foul mood, Kahn."

What else is new? Nadir thought. But, instead of voicing his thought, he merely smiled.

"Stop smiling, you idiot," Erik growled. Then, sighing, he handed his music to Nadir. "Here, take the damn song and do what you want with it."

Nadir frowned. His friend truly had no idea how valuable his compositions were.. "Thank you, Erik. I'm sorry you had to bring it all this way, but I do think it is nice for you to get some fresh air-"

"Yes, yes, alright, I don't care," Erik rudely interrupted. He began to roll up the window but.. A sudden twinge of guilt made its way to his heart. He let out a groan. "I suppose it is nice to drive around the city." Then, he pressed a button to roll up the window fully.

Nadir watched as he drove away. Drive carefully, he thought while feeling a fatherly sort of protectiveness over his friend. Of course Erik definitely did not need protection, but, after years of knowing the man, it was hard not to feel such emotions. After all, he had raised him. He shrugged and began to make his way towards his office.


Christine's sense of reality returned quickly after seeing the Rolls-Royce. A blush immediately made its way to her cheeks as she stopped running and realized she was in nothing but pajamas. There weren't even shoes on her feet. She was on a sidewalk in a busy part of town with cars driving past her. Actually.. Did one of them just honk at me? It sure sounded like it. Some little blue Hyundai. Her blush deepened. Ok, have to go home. Now.

But she didn't want to go home. Her mother was at home. Her and her lies.. She gritted her teeth angrily at the thought. How dare she decide to marry a guy without telling Brian and I about him! And how is that guy going to feel when he finds out about us? The latter thought didn't mean much to Christine at the moment. All that really mattered was that her mother had been lying for months.

When Christine thought she was 'taking naps', she was probably sneaking out to see her fiancé. When she was supposedly 'running errands', she was probably sneaking around with him. Her mother had ruined everything.

Christine sighed wishing her life were different before turning and heading back towards her house.

There was one person she would be glad to see when she got home, and that was Brian. I wonder how he's handling all of this. Knowing him, he probably didn't handle it as rashly as I have.

Before long, Christine made it to her driveway. She immediately noticed that a certain car was missing. Mom left.. She's horrible! Clenching her fists, she walked inside and slammed the door shut. "Brian?" she called while moving towards the kitchen. He was standing by the phone and ran to her when she entered the room.

"Christine!" he yelled frantically before giving her a hug. "Thank god.." Then, he backed away from her. "You scared the hell out of me!" He raised his hand to mess up her already-messy hair. "Where did you go?"

Her hands moved reflexively upward to straighten her hair, and she glared slightly in a teasing sort of way. But the look soon changed to solemnity. "I guess I kind of went overboard.. Wait, do you know?"

Brian nodded. "Yeah," he said softly, referring to the situation with their mother. "I'm actually really pissed about it. But really, where did you go?" He then noticed her clothing and lack of shoes. "Chris, what the hell?"

Christine looked down at the floor feeling foolish. "Well, I sort of got really mad and stormed out. Like, I ran all the way to this really busy part of town.. I think some person honked at me." She suddenly stopped when Brian began laughing hysterically.

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