Chapter 5: Bets and Boyfriends

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I sat at my desk making a list of things we'd need for the project. It had been a week since we got it and I was less worried about getting it done. I don't know if it was because I had my best friend back or if I'd just generally become more relaxed about it.

Whatever it was I liked how I felt. Since Saturday I've been sleeping over at Holton's house to do the project with him. He's actually a lot smarter than everyone thinks. He just doesn't push himself because he sees no real reason to do so anymore.

Right now he was at my place, in my room with me. He was going through my clothes and stuff, saying my taste is semi-good and semi-terrible. But I wasn't really paying attention to him as I was dealing with the project.

I then felt his hands on my shoulders. "I want attention." He whispered in my ear. I smiled before putting my pen down. I arched my neck so I could see his face. I reached for him and cupped his cheek. "You have it." I whispered back with a smile.

He smiled back and nuzzled my nose. It was a very cute gesture, especially from him. I got up and opened my arms, letting him tackle me onto my bed. He started to tickle me and I began to laugh.

He continued to tickle my side and I started crying and laughing. All whilst this was happening he was laughing too. I hadn't heard his old laugh in ten years and here it was. Everything he used to be was coming back, slowly but it was coming back.

After a while he'd stopped tickling me and I was calming down. I reached up to his face and cupped his cheeks. "You're coming back." I whispered with a smile. He smiled back before coming down to my face.

"It's all because of you." He whispered back. I smiled brighter before kissing his cheek. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He said back as he laid down next to me.
He loves me. Chet loves me. I don't know what to feel, happy, excited, I don't know. He's warming up to me-me and so am I. I've started doing things I never would've thought I'd be doing.

It's been a week since the Sunday we spent together and we've become more than best friends. We're hugging, kissing on the cheek, holding hands and all that cute nuzzling stuff. But we haven't made it official and I'm planning on doing that now.

We were in the cafeteria eating lunch together. His friends and my friends were sitting together at a separate table whilst the two of us were sitting here. I only requested we sit alone so I could ask him the question.

"Chet you know I love you right?" I asked. "Yea." He answered. "Well I love you, in more than a friend way and I want to be yours. I want to hold you, kiss you on the lips, I want to protect you, keep you safe and happy. So umm...will you be my boyfriend?" I asked.

He smiled sweetly and nodded. "Yea." He whispered as he scooted closer to me. He cuddled into my side as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and smiled. It feels good to have him be with me.

Sam, Darryl, Matt and Conner came over with smiled on their faces. "You guys a thing now?" Matt asked with a grin. I nodded and Darryl and Conner high fived. "You owe us fifty bucks each." They said together.

"You guys bet on us?" Chet asked. They nodded and he rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I wish I'd never met you Darryl Fletcher." He said with a small smile. "Funny, I seem to get that a lot." Darryl said nonchalantly.

I chuckled and held Chet closer to me.
"So there's this frat party going on tonight and I wanted to take you, you interested?" I asked Chet as we walked to the field. "I don't like parties let alone frat parties." He said. "Oh please Hub-Bub!" I whined like a baby.

"Is that your pet name for me?" He asked. "Yes and you can call me Daddy." I said and winked at him. He rolled his eyes playfully before grabbing my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

"You know you can still go to the party without me, I trust you." He said as he squeezed my hand. "It's not that Hub-Bub, I just want to show my new boyfriend off to my older friends." I said as we reached the spot we wanted.

"Fine, I have nothing better to do anyway." He surrendered. Joy overwhelmed me and I hugged him, picking him up and a inning him around. "I love you Hub-Bub!" I shouted as I kissed his cheek. "I love you too Baba." He said back.

I kissed his cheek before sitting under a tree with him to read a book he'd been going on about. He said it was a book him and I used to want read to us as a bed time story. I think it's cute he kept the book.

We'd finished reading it after fifteen minutes and that's when we started on our project. Then my phone switched off and I groaned. "Hub-Bub, can I use your phone real quick?" I asked. He handed it over within a matter of seconds and continued with the project.

"What's the password?" I asked. "It's your first name." He answered. "Really, you didn't have to change it because we started dating." I said.

"It was your name from the beginning. I've kinda had one hell of a crush on you ever since we started high school." He said looking up at me. I bet I had this big goofy looking smile on my face.

"I love you." I said. He smiled and shifted closer to me. "I love you too." He whispered back.
I like them, they're adorable.
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