The Hidden Truth

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​Cold was the night. So was I. I don't think I ever fully recovered from that episode. No, I'd rather think that I have finally been enlightened from the island. The island have taught me valuable lessons. To be independent and self-protective is the way to live. To kill or to be killed, the island has taught me the right way. It is to kill. People kept trying to make me think that I'm the problem here, but they don't realise what I have learnt from this island. Power is everything.
​I still remembered when my tribe was so close to killing Ralph. That sore in the thumb, never truly realised that I should be the leader among all of them. We were so close to rid the world of this nuisance, but the naval officer had to be there. We had to be brought out of the island at the wrong time. One more second, and Ralph would have been a dead man. The rest of my tribe were crying and bawling, I've made a mistake to think they were the same as I. Then, I was reluctant to leave the island. I could feel that it was my home, where I belonged, but the British men still brought me back. When I was back to the hellhole, the war had already ended, leaving destruction in its wake. However, the war in the hearts of the humans, will never be over. As the saying goes, "One may has won the battle, but he has not won the war." Without truly understanding the human heart, the world may never find peace. This is why, everything has to be resorted to violence. People don't seem to understand this fact. Maybe they do realise, but they don't have the courage to admit it. Weaklings, weaklings I say.
I lay on my bed. I looked at the window, seeing the moon glowing. The shadows of the trees clawed at my window, as though it was trying to get in, as though it knew I had sinned, as though it was going to send me to purgatory. This is why everything has to be resorted to violence. Everyone, if not everything, is out to kill you. If I close my eyes, I can still remember the beast vividly, always talking to me. For my case, I never feared it.

I closed my eyes.

Hello Jack.
My demon.
It's nice to see that you understand the depths of the human heart.
My soul.
You are the only person, who truly understands the need for violence.
My sins.
Don't you think everyone else has to learn that as well?
My life.

​I opened my eyes. For a second, I was confused to where I was. Then I remembered, I was in an orphanage. This was the seventh or eighth one, I couldn't remember. According to one of the officers that received us, my parents died during the war. There was a look of sympathy on his face, a look that I do not understand. I didn't even care whether my parents were dead or not. They would have died sooner or later. They had to put me in an orphanage though. However, I never stayed in the same one for more than a week. I have always tried to make the kids (the adults were too simplistic to understand) learn that goodwill and kindness never truly exists. As expected, the adults chased me out of the orphanage, thinking that I was either a horrid influence, or I was trouble. Other orphanages eventually continued to take me in due to 'sympathy', soon after, kicking me out after they had seen for themselves the reason I was kicked out. There was once where I killed the pets that they were keeping. They found blood and animal body parts strewn everywhere, but they don't realise the deep savagery that each of these animals were hiding. I knew better. I let nature take its course, where the apex predators dominates the others. Once again, humans cannot accept changes. So the adults thought that the best decision was to chase me out. All this changing of orphanages is a waste of my time. I'd rather cut myself some slack and chase myself out of the orphanage and never return to any. Sympathy, they said.
​I came down from the bed and packed my bags. Soon after, I was ready to leave. I walked out of my room, navigating the orphanage through that darkness, the only source of light from the moon, moonlight shining through the numerous windows around the orphanage.  I would have went straight to the exit, but there were some things that I had to take before I left. As I found my way to the principal's office, I entered the room and rummaged through the drawers at his desk. Unsurprisingly, I found a loaded handgun and some unused cartridges, which I quickly kept in my bag. Oh, where's the trust between people? Proceeding to the kitchen, I tiptoed around, aware to not make any unnecessary noise. Seeing something gleam in the moonlight, I smirked, grabbed it and wrapped some scrap paper that I picked up around it. I continued to exit the orphanage. Unfortunately, I noticed a guard house as I left the building. Oh, where's the trust between people?  Opposite the guard house, there were some shadows under the trees. I snuck under the cover of the shadows, and slowly made my way towards the gate, the only thing standing between me and my freedom.
​"Hey! Who's there?" A voice shouted from the guard house. I instantly froze, careful not to even breathe. A flashlight clicked on and it started scanning. Right as the ray was about to reach me, I tensed. This is why, I have to use violence. It's not as if the guard would leave me where I was when he saw me. Wonder what he'll do when he finds out when I have a knife and a gun. I wrapped my grip around the hilt of the knife and waited.
​"Hey! You th-" I couldn't give him the chance to shout. I pulled out the knife and immediately dashed forward. When I stabbed him, he scent of blood filled the air, as red filled my vision. I love this. In the split second that he flinched, I swept the knife upwards, cutting a deep gash into his throat. He fell on the ground and choked on his own blood, as I stood there, knife in hand dripping with thick red blood. When he stopped gurgling, I knew he was truly dead. I grabbed the corpse by his shirt and dragged him into the guard post and behind the desk. As I reluctantly let the adrenaline die down, I sighed. I kneeled down and cleaned the knife using his shirt. Gleaming and deadly once again, I kept it back with the scrap paper in my bag.
​​Another kill, score one for the predator. I grinned. I'm never going to get tired of this. I climbed over the gate and dropped to the ground on the other side. Turning back to look at the shadow-draped orphanage one last time, grateful to finally run away. I turned back and walked towards the darkness of the streets.

This world is only as pure as my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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