Say it.

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The next morning, Sal had decided to come and take me out to breakfast, but upon walking up to find a table, I noticed Q already sat at one, knowing full well that he had been invited without my knowledge. Something that I had to downplay considering Sal thinks we've been holding down a great friendship, which we had been doing until last night.

"I hope you don't mind me inviting Q." Sal announced as he sat down at the table, leaving me a chair between them both.

"Of course not" I smiled, when really just seeing his face made me angry. There was no way that him being here wasn't intentional. He had never joined us for any kind of meal beforehand. "Are you guys not at work today?" I tried my best to start a conversation of between them.

"Only to film a punishment at midday, so only around an hour or two of work." Sal answered as he looked down at the breakfast menu. "You should come with us. I could need the support."

"Why what are they planning on doing to you?" I asked, now having to bring myself to look at Q.

"Nothing too bad. You should come, though." Brian now suggested also.

"I mean, if you guys don't mind me being there, then sure." I answered.

"And maybe we can stop by and grab some drinks when you're working later to return the gesture." Q now looked at Sal as if to ask him if he was in.

"I don't know man.. I don't know if I'm really in the mood for heavy drinking on a Tuesday." Sal groaned, not sounding excited at all, which was dreadful to hear myself because if Sal were to say no, there was a good chance that I'd have to deal with Q alone.

"Pleaseee" I begged, trying my best to make him feel guilty for even thinking about saying no.

"How can you say no to that?" Brian pointed at me, whilst Sal seemed to be done with both of our attempts.

"Fine, but only one drink and then I'm out. And it better be a free one." He responded, as stingy as ever.


Pulling up to the set of Sal's punishment, the three punishers were seperated from Sal himself, so I was stuck with Joe, Murr and Q whilst the crew went over a few things with Sal.

Joe and Murr seemed to be in a deep enough conversation for Q to feel like he could pull me aside slightly.

"Still hate me?" He asked, seeming like he maybe might have regretted how last night had ended.

"Kinda, yeah." I folded my arms in front of my chest.

"I was a dick, I know."

"Oh you were more than that, but I'm glad that you somewhat noticed."

"Are you really gonna still be pissed at me about this?" He asked, clearly getting annoyed.

"You're pretty much letting me take the entire blame for this. Admit that you're up to your neck in this as much as I am or-"

"What's going on over here?" Joe laughed, trying to alleviate the obvious angry tension between the two of us, but definitely not understanding the severity of it. He probably thought we were just having a disagreement of the sort.

"What? Nothing." I laughed.

"Well it sure looked like something." Joe chuckled once more.

"We were talking about the new Batman movie. She hates it. I, personally enjoyed it." Q chimed in.

"And you were seriously arguing over that?" Joe furrowed an eyebrow as he looked at us both.

"We weren't arguing, just having a discussion." Brian replied whilst looking at me. And it was in that moment that Joe stood before us both, giving us a judging look in complete silence, that I was almost worried that he didn't buy our story and suspected something a lot more believable than batman.

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