Oh so youre not pregnant??

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I sighed, the doctor said it might have been food poisoning. I started teasing Vic about how he was pregnant, and he was in denial.

"Bethanyyyyy" he whined, as we stopped at Walmart. "I heard there's a sale on toilet paper" I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious, Bethany Elizabeth Maria Lopez" he said. "No, okay. I didn't get you pregnant" I said rolling my eyes.

"That wasn't my question" Vic said. I looked at him, as we walked to the pharmacy section. "My question was,do you want to have kids?"

I looked at the lady, "I'm not here to pick it up. I just want to know what time would it be done." I said. "Oh and Victor Fuentes" I continued.

"6:30" she said. I nodded. "Let's go" I said to Vic. We walked out to the car, and i sighed. I got in, and Vic was already in the car.

"Can you please answer" Vic said. "Maybe" I mumbled. "But not now, I want to wait" I said. "Any particular reason you brought that up" I asked.

He nodded, "because if I were to be a father, I would want you to be its mom" he said. I smiled.

We pulled up, to our house and got out. Vic went and laid down, while I made him soup. As soon as I made it, i brought it up to Vic.

"Eat" I said, putting it in front of him. He quickly downed it all, then looked up at me. "Babe it's 5:56" he said.

I groaned, "we just got home" I mumbled. "I'll get it" he said. "Hell no lay down" I said, standing, placing my hand on my hip.

"Sassy" he said smiling. "I'll be back" I said. "Wait Maria, can you get me more Gatoraid" he asked.

"Never call me that again" I said. He smirked. I sighed, walking out of the house once again. It takes 30 minutes to get on that side of town.

I hate driving in silence. It's weird. I turned on my radio, and played my old Selena Quintanilla CD.

I may not speak Spanish, but she's still my favorite female artist. I grew up listening to her.

After replaying the CD twice I finally got there. I went to the pharmacy section and, mentally groaned.

I went up to the receptionist desk and said "pick up for Victor Fuentes". She looked up at me.

"You don't look like a dude" she said. Oh no really, I thought I did. With boobs and all. "It's for my boyfriend" I said, restraining myself from calling her a dip shit.

I got Vic's medicine and drink and quickly made it back home. I walked up the stairs to see, Vic sleeping.

He needs the rest. He's been vomiting all day, and that tires you out. I put his stuff by his side of the bed, and walked back downstairs.

My phone buzzed

Antonio(Tony)- is Vic as bad as Mike

Bethers- worse, Vic could barely move this morning

Antonio(Tony)- they got food poisoning, Mike got it from eating some odd looking hamburger.

Bethers- yeah, this is why you can't try every food that's out there.

Antonio(Tony)- Jaime got sick too.

Bethers- was it from the same thing?

Antonio(Tony)- nah, it was from not drinking enough water.

Bethers- wow

Antonio(Tony)- I gotta go. Mikes not feeling good again

I turned off my phone and looked around. There was not much to do.

I sighed laying down, soon falling asleep.

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