Bad dreams/hospital

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It was around 4:30 am when I woke up to bad a bad dream. I get out of bed and grab my phone and stuffed bear and go to Mikey's room. I slowly open the door and I see him sitting up in bed. "Rach, you okay?" He asks as I walk in, I close the door and shake my head, "bad dream" I say sitting on his bed. "Awe, come here princess" he says opening his arms. I crawl into his lap and cuddle into him, "wanna talk about it?" He asks. "You guys left me" I say almost crying again. "Awe Rachel, we'd never leave you, we love you so much!" He says hugging me. Ashton pokes his head into Mikey's room. "Rachel, what happened" he asks coming in. "She had a bad dream that we left her" Mikey says. "Awe. Rach, we love you! Why do you think we'd leave you?" He asks taking me from Michael hugging me tightly. I hug him back. "We have a interview today" Ashton says giving me back to Michael, "what time?" I ask. "12:30 he says getting up. He kisses my forehead before Leaving. "Can I sleep with you?" I ask "of course!" Mikey says pulling the covers down so I can get in. I snuggle up to him and fall asleep again. With no more bad dreams.
I woke Rachel up at 10:00 so she could get changed. She walks downstairs in shorts, a shirt and shoes. "Cute" I say as she walks down. She smiled. We had to get going right after breakfast so we are on the way there. When I got there I pulled Rachel close so she wouldn't get pulled away by the fans or paparazzi. When we he in we go to hair and makeup. We let Rachel stay off to the side with our stylist Lucy. "So, heard you guys adopted a little girl" the interviewer asked us. "Yep! She's probably the best thing ever. She's sweet, fun, happy, adorable." Luke said smiling. She smiles. I look to see her walking to the bathroom. The interview ended and we go backstage to see where she went. I see her lying on the couch. "One of the fans gave you guys cookies" Lucy says giving us a bin. "Wanna have one Rach?" I ask "sure" she says getting up. "What kind are they" she asks taking a bite. "Peanut butter I think" Luke says eating it. Rachel and ash both look at each other. "Oh shit, I totally forgot! She's allergic to it!" Ashton says panicking. "I'm going die" she say worrying. "No your not sweet heart" cal says. "We'll get you to the hospital" Luke says grabbing the keys and going to the car. I pick Rachel up and follow Luke. Lucy came with us. I look down at Rachel to see her eyes closing "stay with me, you'll be okay" I says getting in the car. "Squeeze my hand if you can still hear me" I say holding her hand. She squeezes it lightly. "Luke! Go faster!" Ashton  said. "Stay with us princess, you'll be okay" I says. as soon as we got there paramedics ran out and took her in. We ran in with them. She was still breathing but just barely. "Is she going to die?" I ask the doctor getting worried , "of course not, she'll be okay." He replied. "Can we see her"? I ask. "The doctor nods and let's us into the room. I run over and hug her. "Omg!!! You're alive" I say. "What happened? I'm confused" she said. "You accidentally ate a peanut butter cookie" Luke says rubbing her hand. "Am I going to be okay" she asks. "Of course you will Rachel" cal says. The doctor comes in to see her wide awake. "How you feeling Rachel" he asks sitting on the chair. "A little better" she says "we just wanna do a full check up on you then your free to go" he says. "Okay" she says. He helps her over to the scale. "Healthy weight that's perfect!" The doctor says. "Your breathing is back to normal" he added. After a while we went back to the car. When we got home she wanted to go straight to bed. I let her change before I walk in and lay her under her sheets. Right before I can leave she grabs my hand. "Stay" she says like a little girl. I smile and get in beside her she cuddles into me and falls asleep. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close and safely. She was safe. And we will never let her go, she's our little baby girl. "I love you Michael" she mumbled. "I love you too baby girl" I say falling asleep

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