7. Stay

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I'll stay with you
The walls will fall before we do
Take my hand now
We'll run forever
I can feel the storm inside you
I'll stay with you

- Goo Goo Dolls.


The elevator crawled at the speed of a snail. Camila leaned against the back railing, her eyes fixed on the gleaming, tiled ceiling above, while the swells of Celine Dion reverberated throughout the small space. Niall stood at her side, his hands tucked into his pockets as he whistled along to My Heart Will Go On. Camila snickered, looked over at him, and shook her head.

Niall froze, his mouth still in the shape of a small O, and glanced down at her. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing." She smiled.

He raised his brows and cocked his head to the side as if waiting for a better answer.

Camila laughed again. "It's just ... well, you're such a dork. I mean, you're whistling to My Heart Will Go On."

"What's wrong with My Heart Will Go On?" he asked, his brows drawing together. "I think it's a musical masterpiece."

Camila doubled over, laughter pouring out of her. Niall tried to continue whistling but couldn't through the smile forming on his lips, so he proceeded to sing the chorus in his best falsetto voice. Soon, they were both laughing, their snorts echoing off the walls. Both were in tears by the time the elevator doors slid open.

Camila reached up and wiped the moisture from her eyes, her gaze landing on her brother's scowling face. "Well, hello, Carlos." Camila and Niall stepped out of the lift into the ornately decorated office. A large cherry desk stretched the expanse of the room and a painted up red-head sat behind it, her long, fake nails clicking at the keyboard.

"Karla," Carlos answered, before turning his stare to Niall. "And you brought your friend, lovely."

"Hey, Carl. What's up?" Niall lifted his hand into the air like he wanted to high-five.

Carlos scowled, and looked Niall up and down. His arms stayed glued to his side. "It's Carlos, Horan. For as long as you've known me, I've never let you call me Carl."

Niall shrugged and leaned toward Carlos. "One of these days, I shall break you, and you'll be begging me to call you Carl."

Niall rolled his eyes and raised his gaze to Camila. "Are you ready? Papa's expecting you."

"Yeah." Camila hitched her bag over her shoulder and moved toward Carlos. Niall followed.

Carlos held out a hand, pushing it to Niall's chest. "Your lap dog stays here."

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