Friday Night Filming

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It was now the Friday after the recent interview and they were shooting a scene with Cody Christian that did not need me. Which is fine with me because at least I can stay at the snack table. I grabbed a plastic cup of cut up fresh fruit and a reusable pink plastic fork and sat on the floor behind the indoor McCall house set.

So there I was, sitting in the shadows and enjoying a big cup of fruit. I like doing this sometimes. Sitting by myself and watching people go about their daily lives. In a totally not creepy, calming way.

"So you're the famous Jaycee Kipper." A voice said out of nowhere

"Jesus! You scared the hell out of me! And I almost threw a kiwi slice at you!" I exclaim, not looking up and stuffing the fruit on my fork into my mouth

"I know I'm good looking and hot, but I'm not Jesus." I looked up to see the voice belonged to one of the Carver twins, and both of them sat on either side of me.

"Assuming you are both hot and in heaven, then you must be air since hot air goes up. And we all know what air is, no content, no personality." I said teasingly to the one that spoke

"I have to admit, she got you there Max." The other twin, who by process of elimination I'm assuming is Charlie laughed

"No offense, but how do people tell you apart? To me you look the same except for the height and the clothes obviously." I ask the twins

The Carver twins sat in front of me, side by side.

"Look at our faces, mine's slightly longer and thinner than Charlie's. His is a little more circular than mine." Max said

"Yeah that, and Max is wearing a Maroon 5 t-shirt, so they both start with M if that helps." Charlie jokes

"Oh wow I never realized. Thats so cool how its like your faces are almost the same but they're not. If that even makes any sense at all." I ramble, "Anyway you want to go where the rest are?"

"Oh yeah we were supposed to ask that when we came up to you." Charlie smiles

"I think I can find them based on Posey's snapchat story. Depending whether or not they moved from the scene they were filming with Cody." I say pulling out my phone and opening the snapchat app

I scroll to find Posey's snapchat in the Recent Updates section so he must have posted something since the last time I checked. When the snap loaded, it was Max, Charlie, and I from a higher perspective.

I look up and see Posey with his phone, most probably snapping us.

"Found him." I point upwards to where Posey is standing on the landing from the stairs that so behind the McCall house set.

"Jaycee! Open your mouth!" Posey yells

I stick my tongue out and open my mouth for most probably a snapchat filter. When Posey starts laughing I look at my phone to see yet another update on Posey's story.

"Really Posey? The evil rabbit?" I yell up and the only answer I receive is a laugh.

"Jaycee we need you! We're going to film that scene where Cody throws you over his shoulder after the break. Since you had your break, Jeffie says go get dressed and hair and makeup. Apparently in that order." Posey said when he got down the stairs.

"Okay." I tell Posey. I turn to Max and Charlie, "I guess you can go with Posey from here. It was nice meeting you two."

"It was great meeting you too." Charlie smiles

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