Chapter 15

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Travis POV
We get back to the house and I get a text for Lucinda
L: hey
T: hey
L: are u free tomorrow
T: uhhh I guess
L: cause I wonted to go out for coffee
T: well uh---
L: OK thanks see you there
~end of chat~
That's was odd doesn't she know I'm with Katelyn whatever I will go see her tomorrow "who was that" Katelyn asks curiously " Lucinda she wanted to have coffee tomorrow " she looks scared " don't worry" I say and she smiles. I see her go up into our room and she comes out in a bathing suit, she walks to the backyard where our pool is and I hear a splash , I get my bathing suit on and then head out with her she is already in the pool before I get in. I go underwater I get up and Katelyn is on my shoulders she laughs as I stand up making her go higher and higher in the air. I look up at her and she looks down at me, she pecks me on the lips and then smiles💗

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