Where Will They Go?

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     Sans went over to the counter with Momma Cry and set down the cages. "well doll, for one someone in the gangs have been using the bitties for money. selling instead of adoption like the law says. we've been given a couple hints to where the sells are but sometimes the bittys get injured during the transitions." Rubbing his skull he opens one of the cages and pulls out a small sleeping skeleton bitty. One that surprisingly looked a lot like Sans, but wore something that looked like blue armor.

     "this little guy along with others where going to be sold, so far none were badly injured but they are spooked." Holding the small skelly he rubs the tiny skull with one finger waking up the small thing. 

     "not to surprising but a lot of skeleton bittys look like the sans and papyrus' from the timelines, but they all have different personalities and names. this little guys is called baby blue from the others of this group. there is one guy that looks like swap!paps and is called little bro and always clings on to baby." Handing the awake bitty to Sidney he motions to the small crack in baby's arm. 

     "Awe the poor thing got hurt! It's alright little guy I got you." She loved how tiny he was and figured that the small crack was like a fracture since he was bones. Grabbing a small bandaid from the inside of her coat she goes over to Momma Cry.

     "Momma Cry d you happen to have a toothpick or a slim piece of wood that is small?" Momma nodded and reached under the counter and handed her a toothpick. Snapping it in half she rubbed the spotted edged against the counter trying to smooth the end.

     "Sans can you burn the end of this for me, so it doesn't hurt the little guy with splinters?" Sans grabs out a lighter and lights the ends burning off the end a little but blows it out quickly. Handing it back he smiles at her as he grabbed the 2 cages. 

     "since you're dealing with baby blue there i'll help miss cry here get the others situated. don't get to bonely without us we'll be in the back so when you two are done head back there." Following that action she nods and smiles down at the bitty who she places on the counter, cradling his arm and crys small blue tears.

     "Awe, please don't cry cutie, I promise I won't hurt you." Pointing to her name-tag, "I'm a doctor and Sans asked me to help with you arm. Do you mind holding it out for me so I can make a splint for you? It won't hurt it will help it heal, since I can't use magic this is the best I can do." Baby Blue does as she as his eye sockets holding little blue stars as she gently places a bandage covering the crack. than places the two halfs of the toothpick on both sides and use another bandage wrapping it.

     "See? All done and it didn't hurt now did it?" She gently picks him up and rubs the top of his skull like Sans did.

     "the magnificent blue is very grateful you help with his arms doctor human!" Baby blue, or blue as he called himself smiled up at her as they walked to the back. It startled her  hear him talk, he didn't sound tiny like she thought but like how Swap!Sans sounded.

     "It's no problem blue, I'm glad I could help. Now are you ready to see the others? I'm sure Little Bro is worried about you. Sans told me he always cling to you so I bet he's really worried about you." Blue squirmed in her hand as she opened the back room to see all the other bitties sitting on the table as Miss Cry and Sans talked to them.

     Blue was crying a little when she mentioned little bro, "bro? bro where are you?" When she entered he whimpered seeming scared since 'bro' wasn't with him. Sidney placed him down but not before grabbing a small ribbon and tying it over his head placing his arm in it like a sling.

     "Blue, bro is alright I'm sure. I'll help you find him but be careful with that arm okay? I don't want it breaking all the way." Blue nodded and looked around all the bittys. He was upset and scared, not because of the doctor human but because he never left bro alone. He always got panic attacks and would curl up somewhere until he returned. 

     "sidney, need your help over here. one of the bittys are having a panic attack and it isn't going to well." Sidney picked up Blue before going over to sans who seems to be cradling a small skelly bitty. They wore an orange hoodie with what seemed to be small cargo pants. Like a perfect shrinked version of Underswap!Pap.

     She shifted Blue to her other arm cradling him and picked up the other bitty. Putting two and two together since they both looked like the swap-bros that must mean they are brother too... right? She went over to a corner which held a sofa and rocketed the two bitties. The pap looking on calmed down a bit and was no longer shaking but still hiccuping. Blue was over in her other arm hugging him and whispering stuff she couldn't catch.

     Sans stood over to the corner smiling. Sidney was always a motherly person, especially when it came to her patients in the hospital. Miss Cry told him how she was going to come help her so Sidney could figure out which bitty liked her and wanted to go home with her. From what it looks maybe this two will go home with her after all this.

     Placing the rest of the bitties they put them in the back that looked like a playpen but was full of pillows, blankets, and stuff toys. As they all got comfortable Sidney got up and placed to two sleeping bitties in the sleep-pen and put a small teddy bear beside them.

     "thanks sidney, it means a lot for you to help us. honestly, blue put up the most fight with the person selling them. they almost snapped his arm if we didn't get there." He placed a hand on her shoulder smiling. She nodded and returned the smile.

     "No problem Sans, it's part of the job of a doctor." She goes to the entrance of the shop waving at the two of them. "I'll see you tomorrow at 2 Momma Cry, and Sans I want a call sometime. I gotta head home for now so see ya!" Leaving the shop she smiles the storm has lighten up and it was more of a sprinkle now. 

     Sighing she smiles at the sky, "Welp, time to head home." Walkin down the street she didn't think it could get any more interesting than the fact she was going to work with bitties.

~~~~~~~~~~Enjoying the chapters? I hope so because there is more comn for ya! Love on the swap bitties for a while but don't read to much into them. I though it would be sweet for y'all to see some of Sidney's doctor and caring side. Until the next chapter, Ghost out!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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