goat mom 2

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Vincent looks at me concerned I look at my hand the cut is gone! my eyes widen "My children are you coming?" Toriel asks "yeah sorry Toriel!" Vincent replies. we follow her into a several rooms with puzzles that she guide us threw. we suddenly get to a room with a long hallway, in the distance there's a pillar. "My children, you have done excellently thus far however I have a rather difficult request to ask of you two.. I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourselves" she asks "forgive me for this." and just like that Toriel ran away me and Vincent run after her but by the time we're at the end of the room she's gone.. Wait no she's not, Toriel comes from behind the pillar "greetings my children. do not worry I did not leave you" "I was merely behind this pillar the whole time "thank you for trusting me. how ever, there was an important reason for this exercise... to test your independence" "I must attend to some business, and you two must stay alone for a while" "here I will give you a cell phone" "no thanks Toriel we have our own" I interrupt and give her my phone number "very well my children be good, farewell" she says and walks away. me and Vincent peek out, she's gone. We exit the room we're in and enter a room *ring* I answer my phone and put it on speaker "Hello? this is Toriel you have not left the room yet ,have you?. there are some puzzles that I've yet to explain" "um no we haven't Mom" I cover my mouth I've never really had parents of my own so I guess it just slipped out "huh did you just call me "mom"? well I suppose... would that make you happy to call me "mother"? well then, call me what you want!" "thanks Mom" I say and hang up

~Time skip~

we've been staying with Toriel for a few months now and the ruins are getting pretty boring. Me and vincent have both agreed that we NEED to find a way to free the monsters and today we're going to talk to Toriel about it "um mom?" I ask "yes my child" "I need to ask you something" I say "what seems to be troubling you?" she replies "me and Vincent have been talking about it and we want to explore the underground, we want to go home". Home is somewhere I never wanted to go again but it was a decent excuse "home?! this is your home!" "Toriel Vincent has a family to get to and we miss our friends!" "I Must take care of something my child" Toriel gets up from her chair and goes down the stairs that she never let us go down me and Vincent follow her down them. "You wish to know how to return "home, " do you not? Ahead of us lies the of the Ruins a one-way exit to the first of the underground. I am going to destroy it "Toriel please don't!" we interrupt. "be good children  and go upstairs" she walks away, follow "I have seen it again and again, they come, they leave, they die." a tear runs down her face messing up her fur I feel tears brimming in the corners of my eyes "I don't want you two to see the same fate!" she starts full on crying now. "If you leave they... ASGORE will kill you and take your soul" I start to cry now too "Toriel we need to go home 'they won't kill us I promise!" I choke out "if your really strong enough prove you're strength to me" Just like with flower everything loses it's color, Toriel is black along with everything else apart from our souls but this time it's different my soul is half light blue an half darkish blue and Vincents is half half purple and held dark blue.

~another time skip~

Pathetic isn't it I can't even save two children you really wish to exit the Ruins then do so, but I have but one request please do not come back Toriel hugs both me and Vincent tightly and says farewell. I feel the tears running down my cheeks
That was a LONG chapter I hope you enjoyed it because that took me like 4 hours
741 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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