Mothers Day Challenge- Iris and Zeke

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Iris P.O.V.

"Good morning baby girl" The man I call my husband says in a sweet tone as my eyes flutter open. My eyes lock with his gorgeous green eyes that are only inches away from mine and my lips curve into a cheeky smile.

"Good Morning" I let out a little laugh as he plants a soft kiss on my forehead before jumping out of the bed and walking over to the crib where the child of the powerful Zeta and the Expired ginger lay.

He grabs Lacey, our baby, from under his small arms and pulls her to his chest while turning to me and smiling with a soft, sweet smile. I throw the covers off me and prance out of the bed joining the love of my life and our creation.

"Happy Mothers Day" Zeke mutters in a baby voice as I let out a small giggle. "Your such a goofball" I say and lightly pushing his shoulder making sure Lacey doesn't fall out of his muscular arms.

"Speaking of Mothers Day..." I hear a soft voice come from no other than the only other girl in my life.....well besides Lacey. "Happy Mother's Day mom" Cassia says inching her way over to me and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Oohh did you get me something" I ask jokingly and we all let out small giggles. "Actually yes" Cassia says surprising me and lifting my spirit. "Is it a brick?" I ask and her eyebrows furrow together.

"Your getting so tall, I need a brick to put on your head" I say after when both my husband and Cassia stare at me confused. They all giggle a small amount and then the littlest one sneezes interrupting our humorous time.

"She's just too cute" I hear the person I would never expect to say such a thing squeal. "Hey buddy" I greet and my 7 year old son walks through the door. He runs to me and hugs my leg pulling down a little of my sweats.

"Brian" I warningly say and he laughs and let's go of my legs. "I think this family deserves a amazing dinner made by the best chef here" Zeke says and my eyebrows rise.

"You think I'm gonna be cooking on Mothers Day" I say and his outburst of laughter fills my stomach with butterflies of happiness. "No I'm gonna cook" He says and the kids and I all look dead silent.

"Fine, but if you burn the house down I'm going to kill you" I warn him hearing a little snicker come from his lips as we walk down the stairs.


"We promise you, your mother used to hate me" Zeke says as I take a bite of the soft delicious pancakes he made. "But you guys are like soooooo in love now, there's no way you two could have hated each other" Cassia refuses the truth as Brian makes a disgusted sour face.

"Ew love" my lovely son says and we all share a humorous laugh. But immediately the laughter falls dead silent when a big bang is heard throughout the house. A group of men in black uniforms rush through our broken door and into our house.

"Go" I say my head snapping to Zeke who's face goes pale. Zeke grabs Lacey from her stool and leads Cassia, Brian, and himself toward the back door.

"Dad what's happening" I hear Brian's faint voice in the background as the men rush through our living room. I grab the closest thing I see to fight with, which is of course a broom.


A man spots me in the kitchen and motions the other to invade the kitchen next. "Leave me alone" I say and break the head of the broom off so it's now a stick. "M'am we don't want to hurt you" One of the guards says while stepping small steps at a time.

"GET OUT" I say smacking a guard behind me in the head, then pushing the tip of the broom into his stomach. The man that tried to calm me down saying he didn't want to hurt me grabs me from behind and has another guy grab my wrists.

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