Completing some steps

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Niall's P.O.V.  

Crouching over in laughter, I closed my eyes, taking in Liberty's story.  

"So..." I caught my breath, looking up to see her face almost laughing too.  

"So, you actually thought that!" I asked in between gasps. she nodded, laughing as well and helping me up. we had just been on a very lovely walk around the park, went to get some ice cream and were now about to walk around the corner of our street. Snugging my arm around her waist, bringing her close enough to me that our sides were touching, she rested her head down on my arm, slowing our walking pace just a bit.  

"That was a nice walk," she said to me, and I nodded. Indeed it was a nice walk. very quiet, not too many people out now, as most people were still in school or work. it generally felt like Liberty and I were becoming a couple. we had definitely become closer in a more than friends way since we started talking about this idea, and I can't say I didn't like it.

  "We should do it again sometime soon," she said as we neared closer to the house.  

"We can do it everyday if you stay for the summer..." I said, trailing off, knowing I hadn't brought this option up yet. I was pretty sure she wasn't doing anything too spectacular this summer, and I know this was one direction's break time, aside from a few interviews and charity events.  

"What? Niall... don't you think that would be a little too much... I can come visit but the whole summer... I'd get in your way."  

"Nonsense. if you're my soon to be girlfriend, you're not gonna be getting in my way any time soon, and the boys love you too."  

"I don't know Niall... as much as I'd love to I feel like I'd be intruding."

  "Well, we can talk about it later, we still have some time to think about it. I wanna go back to Ireland anyway to see my family you know, so you can always come back then," I explained, and she nodded, thinking it over.  

"I'll think about it, thanks though." I smiled at her before walking up the steps of the house and opening the door, walking in with my arm still snaked around libs waist.

  "We're home!" I yelled, but heard no answer. shrugging, I let go of her and walked to the kitchen.  

"Boys? You lads here?" I called, again receiving no answer.

  "From the note I just found here in the hallway, it looks like they've gone out to get groceries. they said they should be back at around 3:30, so in about half an hour," Liberty said, entering the kitchen and showing me the note. I nodded.

"Alright then, so we've got the house to ourselves for a while... We can do anything we want while we're alone..." I trailed off, winking at Liberty, joking around with her a bit.

  "Ohh..." she trailed off like me, smirking a bit, approaching me and grabbing a handful of my shirt pulling me really close so that our faces were almost touching. What the hell was happening, I was only joking.  

"Wow wow wow Liberty I was only messing around!" I said, backing away as she burst out laughing.

"Your face!" She said, while clutching her stomach as I smiled and laughed with her for a minute until we had both sobered up.  

"Haha, good one," I said sarcastically as I had actually thought she was serious about taking me up on my fake offer. Liberty walked over to the counter where the white board was with all the steps, and taking the marker, put a check mark on step number one and step number 4.

  "So what's with step number 2... a slow dance? whens that gonna happen?" She asked me, as I made my way over to where she was standing.  

"Wow, the boys really thought this out. We have a party tomorrow to conclude our work in the studios. its gonna be a sort of bar, but more classier of you get what I'm saying, and its secured, so there will be no paps, just us, our friends and family, management, people we work with... basically all people we know," I concluded.

We'll take it in steps: Niall Horan Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now