Spring's Touch

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Inspired by lolly43 and her amazing 500 word story...

The hills rolled of the skies, bouncing with clumps of marsh and reeds. The crickets hissed through gritted teeth, turning their backs on the upcoming wind. Butterflies glided effortlessly across the air until they were struck down by beads of rain. The rain started slow; shimmering on leaves and blades of grass.

As the storm progressed, the rain sliced like a knife through the seething wind cutting down the straggling clumps of grass, beating them to a wet pulp. Lightening graced the sky with a blinding white light, cutting the clouds in half with their force.

One bolt of lightening smashed into a tall oak and it moaned, groaned and screamed las it fell, landing in a pile of nettles. It's leaves wilted and shattered at the sudden catastrophe, the bark peeled of the tree leaving it bare. The rain splattered on it's lifeless trunk.

The Sky was grey and sad, crying fountain loads of rain trying to tend to it's lightening paper cuts. As a lightening bolt struck it's eye, it roared with a gust of wind making trees cave in on themselves in fear. It was now crying hail stones, mini bombs dropping on the last flowers leaving them broken and battered.

The storm lasted for weeks, as the Sky cried for it's partner Earth. Earth was suffering from 'global warming'. So the Sky cried and cried as if their was no hope for the loving, giving, innocent Earth, slowly dying from the inside out.

The Sky was woken suddenly from its sorrowful slumber and saw Sun, it's sister hand in hand with one of the Sky's many daughters, Spring. Spring hugged her father and the storm stopped in a moment, all of time had stopped.

Spring glided down on the wind to the bland wounded skin of her mother Earth. Spring's touch healed her mother's skin and smothered it with fields of lushess grass. Spring's touch made giant sunflowers form a bracelet around Earth's wrist. Spring's touch grew daisies, millions and trillions of daisies, giving off a sweet aroma for all to smell. Spring's touch coaxed out the animals so they could frolic in their new home.

Spring's touch graced the Earth, curing her disease and giving her new life. Spring lay down on her new creation and closed her eyes, letting her season unfold...

 Spring lay down on her new creation and closed her eyes, letting her season unfold

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