04 More than Meets the Eye

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A few hours had passed; with a full scan completed, Fixit managed to decipher some of the elements encrypted within the device.

"I can confirm that this is definitely a fee - sea - key." Fixit stated, as he brought up a holographic screen showing some kind of blueprints. "Although of Cybertronian origin, its design and composition is unfamiliar to me."

"A key from Cybertron... For what?" Bumblebee wondered, a servos on his chin, as his optic ridges frowned. "And with a Decepticon insignia on it..."

"Do you know anything about this device?" Fixit turned to Vitae.

"I'm afraid I don't." She answered truthfully.

"Maybe I should ask Optimus..." Bumblebee wondered, his leadership questioned once again, as his insecurity resurfaced. "I bet he would have some knowledge of it..."

"That's not a bad idea." Fixit stated. "You could also travel back to Cybertron and pay a visit to the Cybertron History Museum."

"All right then, let's go." Bumblebee let out, as he activated the ground bridge.

"Shouldn't you tell the others first." Fixit wondered.

"The team's... they need a break." The bot answered with a sigh. "We can do this on our own." He stated, as he stepped into the portal.

"Cybertron..." Vitae muttered before proceeding in.

They reached their destination with ease. The small fembot's optics widened at the sight, seemingly astounded by the view of the planet. She ambled away, her focus absorbed by how alive everything appeared.

"Hey-" Bumblebee joined her side. "How long has it been? You know- since you've been here?"

Her optical ridges frowned, a yellow glow flashed in her optics. She had no answer for that, her time on Cybertron feeling eons ago. She turned to him, her disquiet a clear response.

"Don't worry about it-" Bumblebee replied with a smile, in an attempt to ease her worried expression. "Will figure things out- I just know we will."

"Might I suggest we start with the museum burst - thirst - first?" Fixit gestured towards a large building, towering at the center of intertwined pathways. Bumblebee nodded in agreement, for the trio then proceeded to the said location.

The place was deserted, with the exception of a desk bot, and a sphere hovering in a corner. Its design looked familiar to Vitae, its color scheme matching hers. She approached it, and in an instant, it transformed into a female Minicon.

"Ser - sear - search for Nov - Nova - Novus-" Her voice box seemed to be malfunctioning. It transformed back into alternate mode, some kind of grid barrier surrounding her spherical form. A few nanokliks passed, before she returned to her bot form. "Search for Novus - Sector 1032599002347 - Vitae Nova - Condition Caution." She scanned the fembot.

"She seems to know you-" Fixit pointed out the obvious.

"And I know her too..." Vitae kneeled, her servos stretched out for the Minicon; her optics once again flashing yellow. "From a long time ago... isn't that right, Aegis." Her expression softened, as the Minicon hopped to her. A warm feeling emanated from them, a soft glow enveloping both, as their processor reconnected.

"Aegis found Vitae Nova - 423.6 Stellar Cycles Passed" For a sentient bot, her speech was far more robotic that normal. "Must now help search for Novus-"

"423.6 Stellar Cycles?" Fixit wondered.

"That's how long it's been since Aegis was taken away from me." She explained. "She was designed as my shield, a minicon medic and protector born from my very spark..." A certain sadness waved across her face plate. "I cannot remember why she was taken away..."

"And what about this search for Novus she keeps saying?" Bumblebee kneeled to her side, his optics curiously examining the Minicon. "Do you know what she means?" Vitae shook her helm in response.

This unforeseen reunion marked the beginning of a darkening era; a new threat on the horizon, a lone fembot rescued and now aided by the Autobots of Earth, rejoined with her long lost companion. The search for Novus would resume.

Transformers RID: Search for NovusWhere stories live. Discover now