Great. Just Great.

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     Sans took me to my cell. It was nice sized. It had a cot and a table. I 'I guess it will work' I sad to myself. He pushed me in! " what a way to treat a lady!" I said and rolled my eyes. " hehe sorry kid it's just how we work. Sorry.." He said and blushed. I am NOT falling in love with a skeleton! Unless he IS a good guy and doesn't treat me like ms. Hanley! Than maybe I can take him in.

I probably should get papyrus. But I guess I should treat her right. Maybe she won't try and kill me! But I shouldn't get my hopes up. "Hey brother! I got another prisoner!!" I said excited. " that's great sans! Girl or boy?" He said " girl. Short girl, brown hair covering her eyes, with a blue and purple sweater." I said describing what I saw. " thank you sans. Nero you may take a break for a bit thank you." A break?!?!? No way I am going to go see That girl. Get to know her a bit maybe just hang out. But I just can't let papyrus know. Well might as well go!

LE Time skip! Made possible by Sans Remix

I got there and she was in her cot. 'Now is my chance' I said " hey can I come in?" I said " why not you obviously want to." She said making me chuckle " well I'm sans and you probably know that. Well what's your name?" She was sitting there by me. " well I'm frisk and why are we here?" I now know her name and I maybe should tell her- " earth to sans!!" Frisk said " oh sorry just thinking and them my eye started glowing! Oh no not now! " what the-"  " LOOK AWAY FRISK!" I said and she did as I said and sat in the corner. My eye stopped flowing and she sat there. Crying. I probably should leave. " s-sorry I-I have t-to go n-now." I stuttered and left.

He yelled at me! He is just like Ms. Hanley! I will never trust him and then a flashback came back.
         -flashback start-
    I was in my room with my best friend and we were just at my house, happy, and with my loving mom! " frisk (insert best friend name) it's time to go. Pack your bags and get ready to leave. It was time. Our dad was coming. He beat me and my best friend and we had to go to an orphanage! I hate them! " kids hurry your father is coming quick!" Mom said I guess I should hurry! I heard the door open and we were still there. We hid under the bed and held our breath. We snuck downstairs with our handy-dandy homemade elevator my mom made in case of emergency. " mom!" We shouted she had a fun to her head. " LOOK AWAY FRISK!" My dad said and we didn't. Mom was shot. She was dead. My dads ran at us. We sprinted out with our bags and locked the doors. We were safe.

I was crying and sans had left. I just sat there until some body had knocked on the wall.....

Sorry in the car just about to head home! Make sure to vote, comment, and show this book some love! Make sure to check out my other book: a love/crush: a MithzanXReader I hope you will enjoy this book as much as you guys enjoy dat one! Oh and go check me out on musicly!: xxxfreckleslolxxx46 I am always excited to see you guys! Anyways long authors note! Bai!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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