Moonstone and Sunstone

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"Fine then be that way Pearl!" yelled Tiger's Eye.  Then, as Tiger's Eye was walking off, this mysterious gem popped out of nowhere.  "Hi, I'm Moonstone," she said.  Everyone was staring at her.  "IS IT JUST ME OR HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS MYSTERIOUS GEM BEFORE!?" said Tiger's Eye. "There is someone else with me," said Moonstone.  Then, this reddish - orange gem appeared behind her.  "OH COME ON!" Tiger's Eye yelled.  Everyone face palmed.  "I'm Sunstone," sad the gem behind Moonstone.  Then, out of nowhere, Peridot come over and said, "Hey! There is a Fusion Dance coming up soon!" Everyone cheered. The Warp Pad lit up. "There might be a new gem coming," said Lapis.  Peridot look at her.  "How do you know that?" she asked.  "Well because I don't notice the shape of the gem,"  Lapis responded.  Tiger's Eye grew with anger.  "I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS!" she yelled.  Sunstone and Moonstone looked at her.  "What's her problem?"  Sunstone asked.  "I don't know," Moonstone replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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