The nightmare

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I raise my hand to knock on his door, but just as my hand makes contact the door swings open "Sawyer?" I call out. I quietly walk into his apartment, listening for any noise. "Sawyer." I call out just a tad bit louder, 'where is he?' I walk further in, making my way to his bedroom, I see the bathroom light on and the door cracked. "Sawyer?" I slowly open the door, scared of what I'll find. At first, all I see his the light, then I make out sawyer standing in a small pool of blood, I look up to his face and he's glaring at me. He has a look of pure hatred, tears coming out of his eyes. "Sawyer" I can barely get the words out, my hands find my mouth. I take a step towards him but quickly pull back. "STOP!" he yells at me, pulling his arm up, revealing a blade. "This is all your fault! I hate you! Get away!" the tears instantly fall, I try to take another step towards him but he presses the blade into arm drawing more blood. I stumble backwards and fall on the floor, I reach to get my phone but I cant find it. I get up and run to my car, assuming it's there. When I get outside I fall into the car and start it. I find my phone and instantly dial 911, I ask for help but all I'm told is I need to do this on my own, it's my fault anyways. I start to drive, at first I don't know where, but I soon realize I'm on my way to Mylo's house. I speed up since there aren't any cars to be seen. I hastily pull into Mylo's drive way and don't bother turning my car off. I start pounding on the door but there's no answer, I climb the fence to his backyard and grab the spare key hidden in tree out back. I quickly come back to the front door and open it "Mylo!" I scream out, I'm running throughout his house and notice the window on the second floor open. I quickly look out and climb on the roof, I know that Mylo's favorite place is on the roof, because he's hidden up there. I climb to his favorite spot and sure enough he's there. "Get away you worthless peice of shit. You made Sawyer kill himself, why would you do that?" My knees go weak and I fall down. Mylo starts walking towards me, but I can't look at him, I dont have the strength, I can't see the disappointment in his face. "Get up." he says still calm, "Get up!". I jump at his anger, I've never heard him raise his voice before. I quickly get up only to stumble back again. He hit me. "Get out of my way" He climbs down back into the house, i'm following him around begging for him to listen, to talk to me. He goes back outside to his tree where I see a rope, I didn't notice it before, I didn't notice that he took down the swing either. He positions the rope around his neck and says "This is all your fault, you're worthless, being your friend was the worst mistake of my life. Just kill yourself." Just as he says the last words he steps off the ladder, tightening the rope around his neck. I scream and pull out my phone and call 911, but i get the same response as before. I run to my car and sit there, struggling to breathe. I can hardly see and i'm shaking uncontrollably. I hear my phone buzzed indicating a text and I can barely make out the words "911 come quick" from Abreil. I drive the normally 15 minute ride in just over 5 minutes. I hop out and there she is. Standing on her front porch, gun in her hand. I bolt out of my car and I try my hardest to stop her but just as I reach her I barely catch the "worthless peice of shit" before I hear a loud bang. I fall backwards off the steps and hit the back of my head on concrete. When I open my eyes again it's pitch black but my surroundings are soft. I sit up and realize I'm in my room. It was just another bad dream.

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