The Mirror

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When I open my eyes again i'm in front of a mirror. I move my head letting my eyes take in the area surrounding me. The room is foggy and I'm alone. There is a light coming from the ceiling lighting up the room just enough for me to see. I move my eyes to the mirror and i'm standing there clothes-less. As i examine myself i suddenly see someone approach me. I turn around to see who it is but there is no one there. I turn back to the mirror and see the figure approaching me. When they reach me, i can't talk. The figure holds out his hand, I take the object carelessly. I quickly find out it's a blade as it cuts my palm. I look at the cut then look up where the figure should be but the only thing standing in his place is smoke moving slightly faster, as someone disturbed the air. I look back down to my hand and i try to place the blade on the ground but it won't leave my hand. The harder i try the more impossible it seems to get rid of. When i give up, I look back at the mirror and see another figure coming. This one is undoubtedly familiar. When it gets closer i can make out what seems to be Sawyer's face. As I try to talk, the only thing that comes out is a hoarse "what". Sawyer shushes me, telling me it's useless to try. My face reads confusion as I stare at sawyer. He looks me up and down with disgust in his face. "You're worthless." the disappointment in his face and his voice was almost too much to bear. I see a flash in the mirror as the blade catches the light. I see that my arm is moving to my stomach, and as i realize what's happening I try to stop myself. I panic as i realize that I can't control my arm. I feel the pain as the blade slices through my skin. I soon notice that the cuts are made into letters, spelling out the word "worthless". I snap my head up to find Sawyer but my eyes meet the back of his head as he turns to walk away. I turn my head back to the mirror and i watch as the blood drips from the cuts. After a few moments,  I notice that in sawyer's place, another person stands. Mylo stands there smiling, eyes shining with happiness. My first thought is that he's here to help me but I'm soon proven wrong as he says the word "idiot" loud and proud. I sob in fear as my hand moves to my arm, writing in perfect letters the 5 letter word my best friend said. I cry harder and I attempt to get the blood off of me, but it only makes it worse. Soon enough blood is smeared all over my arm and stomach. Despite my desperate attempts to to get the blade out of my hand i realize it's useless to even try. I drop down to my knees and i move my free hand, still covered in blood, to my face. Only seconds later I feel a soft, cold familiar hand on my shoulder. I look in the mirror in hopes to see the face that I need. When my eyes meet hers through the mirror, she says with pain in her voice to get up. I slowly stand to my feet and I go to hug her. She steps back and smiles, showing me her teeth. "Mom?" i manage to say between sobs, "what?" "I don't touch trash, my dear," she raises her head, "you're disgusting" I cry out as the blade goes through my skin again. This time the letters aren't as perfect and my arm is shaky. I breathe in fast as i realize that I can control my arm, if only a little bit. I try with all that I have in me to drop the blade, but by the time it's out of my hand, the word is finished. I stand up and look around frantically. I am again left alone and i move around, looking to get out. Out of nowhere the first man appears again. "W-what do you want?" the words are shaky, only making me more confident, "go away." He brings his hand up and i lose my confidence again. I take a step back, afraid he might hit me but all he does is snap, and i'm gone. I bolt up screaming. I'm in my bed and I'm covered in sweat. I pull my shirt up and look at where the word worthless would have been.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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