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greetings, loved ones. this is a boyxboy so blah blah if you've a homophobic arse then kindly see to the nearest exit, um don't get pissed if my updates are incredibly irregular that's because i fucking suck dick and am horrible at sticking to things. yes i realise there were many innuendos in that sentence but you can take what you want from it. goddammit. anyway, read on ->



     The arrow whizzed past the deer's head, scaring it off. The raven groaned in frustration. He heard a laugh coming from behind a tree. A boy about a year older than him stepped out from behind it. He had light brown hair, twinkling eyes and a big grin on his boyish face.

     "Hey Louis," the raven said. He walked over to the brunette and sat on a grassy patch of ground next to him. The brunette immediately took the seat beside the boy.

     "Catch anything?" he asked, his voice turning serious. The younger scowled and shook his head. The brunette sighed. This was not good. There was less and less game showing up every day in the forest just outside District 12, and that meant an innutritious dinner for both of the teen's families tonight.

     "I got some Krass berries though," the dark skinned boy said. He reached into the pocket of his worn out pants and pulled out five plump, pink berries.

     "You can take three, I'll ta-"

     "No!" the raven said, interrupting the older boy. "Your dad is still sick, he needs them." The raven shoved three berries into the older hunter's pocket. Louis sighed, knowing that Zayn wouldn't budge from his decision.

     "Well, if there's no more game, I suggest we turn in for the night?" He suggested. The raven nodded so the older teen grabbed his hand and dragged him through the fence that connected the forest and the District. Just before they parted though, the brunette pulled the raven into a tight hug.

     "G'Night," Zayn mumbled, relishing the older boy's scent. Louis squeezed him tighter as if he might just disappear, which he might. People were dropping like flies ever since the plague.

     "G'Night Zayn".

Zayn trudged the path leading to the hut he called home slowly. He was tired today. Not just with the fact that there was no game, but tired with the world for having the Reaping tomorrow.

     The Reaping was a 'ceremony' in which the District's representative from Panem, in District 12's case 'Stuart', picked out the names of the next two tributes to take part in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games was sort of like a game show that the Capitol thought of to teach the Districts a lesson from the last revolution. That revolution was over 75 years ago but the Capitol were so sick and twisted they continued these games for all these years. Since the plague, only boys' names were put into the picking hat. The plague was an after effect of one of the 'muttations' of the Capitol. A muttation was a genetically altered animal that was used during the revolution. This particular one was let out by mistake about four years ago and it had wiped out all females from the Districts, the Capitol having found vaccine for it.

     All boys, aged twelve to eighteen were eligible for The Hunger Games, which is why Zayn was so worried about it this year.

      Wayne was going to be entered.

     Zayn had put in his name extra times this year, not only because if he was picked his family would get extra food and supplies to survive, but to minimise the chances of Wayne getting picked. It was a slim chance, but you never know. Zayn's best friend of six years, Louis Tomlinson, entered his name about twelve times, since he was eighteen, and his father needed medicine for the illness he got while he was still working. All Louis' little sisters had been killed by the plague and Louis was out for the revenge. He wanted to be picked so he could get close to the Capitol and somehow make them pay for killing most of his family. And Zayn's.

The Hunger Games [Zarry/Zouis]Where stories live. Discover now