Before we start the story I wanted to give a little background information. If you don't know what is so significant about the year u picked well, 1692 was when the Salem witch trials started. I figured it would be a nice twist if if these teens doppelgängers were on the trouble making end of that time. Now of course this is FICTION the Salem witch trials when on for about a year and was a totally ridiculous time in our history. Some think a group of girls were acting like they were being taunted my witches and goblins and such to blame it on the neighbors they they didn't like it just plain pissed them off for what ever reason. And some think it had to do with a rare case of food poisoning. Rye was the stable food of Salem at the time. And under the right conditions rye can be infected with a bacteria called ergot. Ergot is know to lead to muscle spasms, delusion, seizures, and contortions. All of these being symptoms the 8 girls had. Ergot thrives in warm damp conditions, the summer of 1691 had been particularly wet and warm. And interestingly all the girls lived in marsh areas of Salem. The summer of 1692 was a dry one. And conveniently the girls symptoms stopped. And so did the executions. This is just a small part of the Salem witch hunt history, if you want to know more of the historical facts please feel free to look this up. I am only taking creative license on this part of our history. I wouldn't say I'm making it fun, just changing it a little for my historical fiction book called autumn spark. I hope you enjoy! And remember this is historical fiction, a type of fiction based of a certain time in history, but either the effects are not correct or never happened. I hope this enlighted you if you didn't know much about this topic. And without any further rambling, please enjoys reading,
Autumn Spark
Autumn Spark
Roman pour AdolescentsJames town Virginia. Two teens are unknowing that they are destine to have the same cursed forbidden love as there uncanny witch doppelgängers from the year 1692.