Warner Bros just contacted me and asked me if I wanted to be in their new movie "model? or not" and also be a guest star on desperate housewives! That is AWESOME.
I love desperate housewives. And I LOVE being a model. SO this is AWESOME.
Well, anyways. What's also great is that my youtube channel is starting to get more subscribers! I got 39k last week! I guess people really like my beauty skills.
God must really like me. I think he appreciates me. I mean, I AM a good person. I donate some of my savings I get from modeling to the childrens hospital every month. I give food to the hobos time to time. I am pretty smart so I tutor other people FOR FREE. So, I AM a good person. Right?
I know, I guess I will admit it. I am kinda perfect.
I am pretty, smart, kind hearted, and my career is picking itself up!
2 weeks later...
I am so excited. I am in the plane on my way to San Francisco to perform my audition and star in desperate housewives. God. I am so excited.