My reality

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Ever since I was a child, I have had these chains. I used to think that these chains would come loose as long as I was good. But every time I was good something would go wrong. Then, the chains would get tighter. I didn't understand.

What had I been doing wrong?

They just wanted me to be enslaved, to never escape, to never leave their "comfort."

Well guess what, I'm old enough o make my own FUCKING decisions now, got it. These chains may be wrapped around my body, but that doesn't mean SHIT to me.

People say I'm a "savage" or a "rebel" no.. I'm not.. I'm just something.. someone..

And these chains.. they love to drag me down. And if they could, they would drag me below the earth and into hell. They don't realize that I'm already there though. Everything around me is a demon. Even me. I don't have a soul.

None of my demon friends realize that either. Some happen to be angels but I decided to drag them down with me, because I didn't want to be alone in these chains! I didn't want to suffer by myself! What should I have done??

Whithkut my angel friends to help guide me the way, I could be DEAD right now. Thank you Stephanie for being here for me, always!!

I tend to great my angel friend like crap and yet they forgive me for my FUCKING sins!! Even though I don't deserve it at all.

The way they treat me, I can't explain it!! I just can't!!

This may seem like I'm freaking crazy, I know!!


And yes, I may have these chains for the rest if my days, but I do have friends that will help me break loose! I can become one of them if I really try. I can be a good person, I can have a soul!!

At this point, all I need is a hug. But ed very time I get a real hug, something inside of me Burns. It burns me mentally.. and it doesn't stop.

Every time I cry, I must remind myself to stay determined. 24/7.

It helps.

And then I think about how my angel friends are always there for me through thick and thin. Although some can turn into demons at times, they will still help me!!

Because they are GOOD people.


The way Hell works is funny. You can be an angel an cf get dragged down, but if you're already here, you can't ever get pulled up. "Forgiven sins" they would say to this statement, but if you really think about it, you'd realize it's not true.

The more I think, the tighter the chains get, but yet, the more I think, the more I can overpower them too. Strange isn't it?

If you know me from school, you may probably be thinking: Know way, this is NOT like her at all.. this can't be the same person I know from my classes.

If you we're thinking that, you were fucking wrong.


"Hoe, bitch slut, mother fucker, count, whore."

Here, none of those words mean anything to me. Ever since I've had these chains, I haven't really thought if those words. Most people who use those words don't even know what the fucking definition of the word that they're using. It doesn't make any goddamn sense, but they do it anyway. Usually, they just use it as an insult to other people because they heard some other people also say it. But hey, have you ever thought that someone else was listening on your words, while you were being mean, someone somewhere else around the world was getting murdered, and all you have to say is "what a fucking bitch." That's pretty low.

Heh, but I guess they just don't care. But honestly, I'm the same w as y, and I'm not afraid to admit it.


I always seem to think that maybe the chains can be cut. But that's not true at all. Oh well, I guess I'm just "unlucky" or something. Demon child.

The scars seem to heal me. The chains just burn my skin deeply, but I don't seem to notice anymore, but I do notice that they're still here. But I'm "fine."


Well, bye

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