Aries- Holy fucking shit this is ma jam!!!
Taurus- My hearteu can't take it!!
Gemini- Holy Fuck Jin is hot as Fuck!! (Excuse my language)
Cancer- * crying of how well choreographed it is*
Leo- OMG Jimin is so adorable!!!
Virgo- This has all the jams. Except for Jimin.
Libra- J-j-Jin's BLONDE?!
Scorpio- *rolling on the floor while screaming*
Sagittarius- What does the alien say?! "BOW WOW WOW!"
Capricorn- NOOOOO MY BABY JUNGKOOK ISN'T A FETUS ANY MORE!!!! *sobs quietly in corner*
Aquarius- *Instantly memorizes song lyrics*
Pieces-Why did I not know this came out fifty three minutes ago?!