I’ve asked this same question to myself many times, where exactly do I start, what truly is the basics of writing? I sometimes question myself, maybe because I never learned the basics that I now struggle. It’s like math, (hate it) but if you don’t have the foundation, you will always struggle with the rest.
LOL, the irony of this is I’m now actually asking myself where do I start learning where to start? Well . . . hallo Google, let’s see what you can give us!
I found this interesting and true, If you want to follow any my tips then I suggest the same as what this text said when I found it:
“Writing a good book, compared to a bad one, involves one thing. Work. No one wants to hear this, but if you take two books off any shelf, I’ll bet my pants the author of the better book worked harder than the author of the other one. Call it effort, study, practice, whatever. Sure there are tricks here and there, but really writing is a kind of work.”
There are a lot of uhm sorry for this lazy ass writers on Wattpad, you scribble a story like a good writer scribbles a first draft and then expect it to be a darn good story, news to you, you need to work to get something good, editing, reviewing, rewriting, reviewing it again, and again if you have to. That’s the only way. I recently read one of the stories on Wattpad’s hot list and although this person wrote relatively good and the plot had potential, I found myself asking at certain points, ‘they just wrote something spectacular two seconds ago and now it’s back to something that doesn’t make sense, what the hell?’ what does this say to people who actually love to read? I’ll tell you nicely: YOU ARE LAZY! LAZZZYYYYYY!!!!!!
Okay now that I’ve got that out of the way and I feel better, (because I’m listening to Kelly Clarkson’s song what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger song!) let’s get to what some basics!
(I’m sure you have an amazing idea for a book. I’m proud of you. Now please put that idea aside and pay attention:
1.Pick up any book
2.Flip through its pages
3.It took ~1000 hours or more to make that book (20 hours x 50 weeks = 1000 hours)
4.The big question: Do you love your idea enough to put in 1000 hours? 500? 100?
If YES, skip to the next list.
If NO, stop talking about books. Your idea is dead.)
I found the little tip above on scottberkun.com and I agree with the guy 100% and I found this myself to be so very true, every time I came up with an idea and actually didn’t love my idea that much to carry it past the first chapter it usually ended in the trash.
Now on to the basics, this is what wiki has to say on: How to begin writing a book.
Create a Concept
1. ‘Come up with an idea. Before you begin writing your book, you will need to have an idea. This is the seed from where your book grows. Coming up with the concept can, however, be difficult. Ideas will come when you open yourself to more experiences, so the best way to get an idea for a book is to go out and do things.’
I would like to add to this topic lol or dream up one! If you’re not a crazy go out type of person than get ideas from reading, listening to music, a movie or plain simple your imagination.
2. ‘Starting concepts can take many forms. You can have an idea for the general plot; you can have an image of an environment, an outline for a main character, or even smaller, less developed ideas. It does not matter how rough it is, any idea can turn into a magnificent book.’
Writing Knowledge: Basics to Advance
Документальная прозаBasically we are going to learn everything and anything we can about writing! So if you’re a first time writer or someone who wants to learn how to better yourself in your writing then come on in!