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Walking down the street where we first met

Reminiscing the days that we have spent

There I saw you standing by me

Looking at each other silently

For that moment I have been deaf

Looking at you just like a ghost

The words that I want to get out of my mouth

Just by the looks of you,remains untold

Looking at you smiling tenderly

Just by a blink,all my feelings comes back at me

The feelings that I have kept for a long years

Just by seeing you again I thought it will never blooms

I greeted you like when we first met

Stepping aside the feelings that I felt

We talk to each other like nothing happened

Just by the fact of that  makes my heart aches

Now,I'm looking at you down the street where we first met

Looking at you slowly fading away

There you look back waving and smiling at me

There I realize that my feelings for you remains  permanently.

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