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We all reached at our home, i went inside my home and kept my bag saying goodbye to my mom and saying her im going at fami's and went out door just as reene came out of her home. we knocked at her door, fami's mom opened the door she is a very beautiful lady and she is sweet she said us that fami was in her room we said her thanks, we went to fami's room their she sat by window deep in her thoughts "heya fami girl" reene greeted fami while sitting on the bed "oh hey" fami said smiling but i could sense she was over thinking about something "what's wrong fami?whatcha thinking about?" i asked her "about what happened today,i m afraid what those boy's will do,will they kill us?" she was rambling,she looked terrified "don't worry fami they wouldn't do something like that i hope" reene tried to console fami "come on fami forget what happened plus we are their with u and you guys are their with me" i said trying to stay calm and not to show how afraid i was by their threat "hey come on let's go to the nearby cafe its newly opened" fami said suddenly "ohkay let's go" we said and rushed down the stairs "mom we are going to the nearby cafe" fami said to her mom "okay children's be careful don't get into trouble" her mom said warmly smiling we all smiled and said okay. we walked to the cafe as we entered our mood changed automatically the cafe it was small but cozy with black chairs and white tables, we took seats near the windows, we ordered hot chocolate and just sat their talking about where we wanted to go after highschool, then walked into the cafe running our happy moment was the queen bee and her minion queen bee was Alexandra Michael and her minnion April Payne both of them never left a chance to humiliate us,alexandra is tall and beautiful just at outside inside she is a devil,april opposite in look from alexandra she is short but a bitch like alexandra, she saw us and walked towards us with a fake smile "look the queen bee is walking towards us" reene said bitterness in her voice "hi!how are you nerd's?"she asked,to sweetly for my liking "fine but could have been better if we didn't see your face"i said matching her sweet fake tone "whatever" she rolled her eyes and went and sat next table, we sat in peace only for a moment until she again opened her mouth "we saw what you girls did in morning same class after all" she said, we looked at her confused she rolled her eyes and continued "fight with the bad boys to gain popularity,but listen here nerdo you all will never get popular" she ended in a bitter tone and her minion April smirked my face grew red from anger "why you little bee think of us like that, we aren't like you to go against our self respect" I said "we won't take any of your bullshit this year" reene said getting angry too "let's go we don't have anything to do now this devil is here" fami said trying to control me and reene before we smash that bitches face, we stormed out the cafe but not before flipping the bird to those fake Barbie's. "is this what everyone thinks " fami said breaking the silence that followed us as we walked to our homes "I don't know neither do I care" reene said she was still angry I was just about to reply when a bike suddenly whooshed by making the three of us to loose our balance, the person on the bike turned and smirked that idiot.RYDER. "that dam ass - idiot who the hell does he think he is" reene said going beet root from anger "they shouldn't do so,it's like they are purposely doing all this" fami said shocked "we have to do something to show them their places" reene said already forming a devilish idea "No guys just leave,we will just ignore them" I said solemnly,is wasn't in mood. The rest of the walk was silent no one spoke we all bid goodbye as we reached to our homes I went straight to my room did my homework and had dinner,it was quiet I didn't speak the whole time and I was thankful my parents didn't ask y I was quiet. I couldn't sleep well yesterday so today I woke up early and my annoying alarm clock didn't have to do its job, when I went down for breakfast to say my parents where quiet shocked to see me up early I never woke up this early after breakfast I sent text to fami and reene and as I guessed they where up to so we all came out of our homes they both looked tired so I guessed they to haven't slept well. We reached to our school and directly went to our lockers we tool out our first period boom which was History and reene groaned as their was history test today I didn't study because if history is boring it's still easy and I'm pretty good at it, we sat at our seat and Ma'am didn't waste any time she gave us the paper while we where writting the paper Ryder and his friends enjoyed their time annoying us but after we finished our papers we kept them,Ma'am started checking it at that moment itself and she then gave back the papers but I didn't get my paper "miss collins" Mrs.parker barked man that women is scary at times "yes Ma'am" I said bowing my head "where is your paper didn't you write the test" she shouted "I gave it Ma'am" I managed to speak up " Then where did it go disappeared into thin air" I didn't know but it was all clear when I heard snickering from back seat I was beyond angry my blood boiled from anger "excuse me Ma'am" was the last words I said as I dashed out of the class I heard footsteps behind me and knew fami and reene where following me "how could this happen,we saw you giving the test paper" fami said totally confused "man what the heck" reene couldn't form the right sentence "they did it" I said to angry to clear if who they where "who-" before reene can continue her own sentence realization drowned her and so did fami realized who they where "how could they do this" fami shouted out probably angry, reene was walking towards the class her hands in fist but I stopped her " no reene we can't cause any drama" I said to her "so we let them get away with this" she shot back I didn't say anything and when the bell rang we didn't even go to the canteen we spend our whole time in library. After the break was over we walked to our next class which was English as we entered my eyes directly went to last seat and there they sat with smirk on their face, I went and sat at the first bench and both my girls followed me our teacher came in and started saying about our semester project but I couldn't pay attention as I felt someone's eyes burning holes in my skull but I didn't turn around " okay chose your partners" Mrs black said but I was upset cuz u can chose only one partner "mam can we chose two" I asked her sweetly " sorry dear you can't" she said I was upset and so where fami and reene their was chaos made in class even teacher doubted her idea of letting us chose our partners that's when Ryder walked over her table and said something which made her happy "okay their sill be random partner choesing by cihts" she exclaimed I glared at Ryder knowing something was fishy by some reason when everyone went to pick chits ryder and his amigos didn't let us pick one by the time all chits where over I knew something was up "okay come here and tell ur partners name" everyone said their partners name me and they girls waited to know who where our partners it was Ryder turn now, when he walked by I didn't fail to notice the amusement and mischievous look in his eyes
"So my partner is...."

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