Awaken (Continuation to Asleep)

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"So you're saying that Belle put a sleeping curse on herself, using the spindle that Maleficent used on Aurora?" Emma questioned. After Melody showed up in the Underworld with a sleeping curse, apparently it struck a lightbulb in Belle's head. Lucky for Belle, Zelena had carried the spindle with her after using it on Dorothy and so Belle asked for it and put herself, and her pregnancy, on pause.

Rumple nodded solemnly. "And no curses can be broken in the Underworld, unless it was casted by Hades." Everyone was quiet for a moment before Rumple took his leave to his shop's Underworld version. Then, Regina spoke.

"Speaking of Hades... I told Zelena to give him a chance." Everybody's heads snapped towards Regina. "And how was that supposed to be a good idea?" David remarked. "She said that she could change him. Look, I'm trying to trust my sister now that we're on good terms." Hook rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, love but I missed the part where Zelena has changed." "You would think the pirate with a rum habit would cut my sister some slack." "Enough, guys. We won't win the war against Hades if we use all our ammo on each other." Emma said, exhausted. "The savior's right."


Emma put Henry behind her, protectively. "Relax. I'm not here to harm any of you. If anything, I came here to ask for-oh, this is hard... help." They looked at Hades as if he's gone mad. "What could you possibly want our help for?" David piped in. Hades took a step forward and held a paper in his hand.

"Well, I went to meet with Zelena for our date and instead... I found this." Regina took the paper and read it. "No... Zelena's been kidnapped by Gold and Pan."

"That's impossible, he was just here a few minutes ago." "Well, Zelena and I planned to meet hours ago so her kidnapping might have already happened as you spoke with the Dark One."

"Well, all it says here was that you tear up the contract you hold against his unborn child and he'll give Zelena back, so do it." "I will. But I know the 'Stiltskins and their tricks. They won't give her back unless I have an ace up my sleeve." Hades reasoned. "Lucky for you, you got one." Regina announced, indicating herself.

Hades chuckled, "I'm sorry. You've been Zelena's doting sister for like what? A sum of three hours?" "Well, who's going to be more motivated than me?" Regina retorted. "Emma." Hades pointed to the said woman.

"What? Why would I be motivated?" Emma questioned.

"Because I can help you with your son's little problem with the mermaid princess."


Hades closed the blinds at the door of the Blind Witch's diner.

"Show yourselves."

Two puffs of red smoke appeared and blew away, leaving behind the figures of Gold, Pan and Zelena. Pan held Zelena by her upper arm, while she had a grin on her face upon seeing Hades.

"I see you came alone. Wise move." Rumple started.

"Zelena," "Hades."

"Let her go." Hades demanded. "I will, once you rip up the contract." Rumple replied, in a calm yet demeaning tone.

Hades pulled out the contract from his coat pocket and ripped it in two, right in front of Zelena, Pan and Rumple.

Little did they know, Pan also had a demand of his own.

"I also want you to break the curse Morgana put on Melody." All heads turned to him. "What curse?" Pan chuckled. "I thought you knew everything that was going on in your realm. Guess you're not that powerful anymore." "You said it was casted on her by Morgana, right? I only sense curses that were cast in the Underworld. But if it was cast on her before she came to the Underworld, I won't be able to sense it." Hades explained.

Pan's eyes shifted in conflict. "But you can break it, can't you? Or am I asking the wrong god?" He snarked. Hades' hair burned blue. "I can break the curse. I am the only god in the Underworld. The most powerful god in my realm!" As Hades exclaimed those words, the flames on his head flickered wildly, setting off an earthquake.

"Can you do it or not?!" Pan asked again. The rumbling stopped and Hades snapped his fingers. "There. It's gone. She'll awaken in an hour. Now, give me my Zelena." And with that, Pan shoved Zelena into Hades's arms and he and his son disapparated with a cloud of red smoke.

Emma came out with her crossbow but put it down once the coast was clear. "Was that you, Swan? Did you control Pan to say those words to free Melody? I told you that once I got Zelena out alive, I will break Morgana's curse." Hades said. Emma nodded with a confused look on her face. "I know. You swore on the River Styx. But I did not control Pan. That was all him. But why?"


"Melody, sweetheart. Come out, come out wherever you are. You know I always win our little games." Peter yelled with a playful tone. He heard a giggle from afar and followed the sweet sound. "Aha! I told you I always win." He backhugged Melody, making her squeal, making the musical sound float through Peter's ears.

"But now that you won, I'm not amused." She put up an angry front with a pout. Peter chuckled at her adorable state. "Oh, what shall I do with my angry queen?" "Kiss me." And that he obliged.


To Pan, Melody was the only pure thing that gave him genuine happiness. But now, she was with Henry and he was dead. He knew that Rumple would never hold his end of the bargain so all he could do now was watch his only love be happy in the arms of someone else and wait for his ultimate end.


"Henry!" Emma's yells echoed through the entire loft. "Mom, why? What happened?" "Hades broke Morgana's curse. Melody should be waking up any minute now." Henry ran up to the bed where Melody was sound asleep, only to find her big brown eyes fluttering open.

"Melody?" Henry took slow steps towards her. He didn't want to put her in a state of shock once she knew where she ended up in. "Henry? Is that really you?" She sat up gently as she felt a small sting at her side, only to see a bandage wrap.

"Yeah, it's me." The two lovers met each other's eyes and immediately felt comfort and relief flooding through their bodies and melted in a long-awaited warm hug.

Henry kissed the top of Melody's forehead, the tip of her nose and finally a small peck in her trembling lips.

"I'm never leaving your side ever again."

Hearing those words from a distance, Peter Pan felt something settle in his heart. Thankful that even for just one moment, Melody brought a ray of light to his dark life and now that she was happy, even if it wasn't with him, he was happy.

The new heart dipped with the water from the River of Lost Souls was now in his body and slowly, he could feel it sucking his soul to the river. But he didn't resist. He knew this was coming. At least he got to see his only love and light safe and happy.

Peter Pan's soul left his body with only one thought; Melody.

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