Chapter 4

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Palms pressed against Zayn's back, I push him out of the open flat door, tossing his keys and phone at him when he spins to look at me. He seemed a bit surprised when I woke him up at nine in the morning to tell him that he needed to leave. Zayn barely had time to change into a decent outfit before I was pushing him by the shoulders out of the door. Hopefully, he doesn't run into too many paparazzi on his way to wherever he ends up today. I didn't even give him a chance to style his hair.

"Why are you kicking me out?" Zayn stuffs his things in his pockets.

"Because I invited Louis over for a lazy day and as much as I love you, I don't want you here." I tell him, truthfully. "Go hang out with Perrie or one of the boys."

"Perrie is at an interview with Little Mix." Zayn reaches into the doorway, grabbing his wallet from the table next to the doorway.

I cross my arms across my chest. "Hang out with one of the guys then. Go spend time with Liam and cheer him up." Guilt sweeps through me as I remember how sad he was after my comment last night. He tried to put on a happy face, but I saw right through it. "I still feel bad about last night."

"You didn't know."

"I still feel bad." I look down at my mix matched socks. "Seeing Liam almost in tears is heartbreaking, knowing you are the reason for those tears is a million times worse."

Zayn smiles, sadly. "Give him a little bit. It's still a fresh wound. Your comment was like rubbing salt in it."

My jaw pops open slightly before I shut it. "Thanks for making me feel worse."

"It was a joke," Zayn tries to comfort me. "I'm going to go. Please don't destroy this place."

"That won't-"

"It might." Zayn cuts me off. "Louis will be back to his usual crazy self now that he has you back in his life. I'm sure he has some pent up energy."

With a smile on my face, I begin to slowly shut the door. "Goodbye, Zayn."

The door shuts with a soft click and my hands move up to lock the door. Spinning on my heel, I walk over to the kitchen in search for some breakfast. Zayn is a guy which means there's not a whole lot in the fridge and the fact that he eats out a lot, doesn't help. I manage to find a box of cereal that resembles Lucky Charms, half empty and in the back of the pantry. Not having all of the foods that I was used to in America will take some getting used to.

Last night, I invited Louis over to have a lazy day with me today. I only arrived here two days ago and I'm not completely over the jet lag yet. When it's morning here in the UK, it would only be around midnight in the US. I figured the best way to overcome jet lag is to make myself wake up at times that I would make it normal here. The idea of just Louis and I hanging out seems like a great idea.

I try to focus on the tv, but my thoughts keep drifting back to how quickly my life has changed and how everything will just keep getting different. I find myself just staring at the screen of the tv, the images and colours blurring together as my thoughts continue to get deeper and deeper. This is probably the first and last day of my normal life. From now on, I won't be known as Aria Grace, I'll be known as Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend.

A knock on the door jerks me from my thoughts, my hands unconsciously move and the milk in the bowl sloshes around and onto my sweatpants. I reach forward, setting the white bowl on the table, a groan emits from my lips at the wet patch of milk on my tan sweats.

"Aria?" Louis shouts from the other side of the closed door.

"Uh.." I mumble to myself, jumping up from the couch. "One second!" I shout to him while dashing to my room for a quick change.

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