Chapter One

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The Boy awakened in an unfamiliar room. He squints his eyes for a simple fact that the light in the room was very bright to him. The boy noticed two things after his eyes adjusted to the light. One was that his body felt very heavy and the second thing was that two people whom he did not know were hovering over his body. One male and one female. The male had wide, bright, blue eyes along with short blonde hair. The female had cold, jet black eyes and hair. The girl looked at the boy and said, "He's finally waking up, Dylan...". Dylan, the boy with blonde hair, hummed as a response. The two continued to stare at the boy until Dylan began to ask questions. Too many questions, some were unnecessary.

"What is your name...? How old are you? How tall are you? What is your nationality? Are you wealthy or no? Why are you in armor? What's with that sword? What was that roar we heard from out side of town? It sounded like a mythical beast..Oh my God was it a Dinosaur, a huge Leviathan, a Dragon?!"

The questions continued to be asked until the female told him to be quiet in which Dylan responded with, "Yes, Vivian!"

The Red eyed boy Sat up, noticing the armor he wore and the sword that was next to him. The Armor was a goldfish bronze color with midnight purple leather that kept it together. The Sword on the other had no related appearance. It looked like the Exoskeleton of a Crab but made of metal. The boy soon began to answer Dylan's questions, even though he didn't know why he should answer them truthfully.

"My name is Sato Knight..I'm seventeen. I'm five foot seven. My nationality..Japanese..I'm not wealthy..and as for the last questions..I do not know myself.."

He sighed and closed his eyes. That's when a blurry image flash through his head along with dialogue.

"You are...must defeat the.." Nothing more was said. Sato quickly reopened his eyes, while letting out a heavy breath. He placed his right hand on his face then quickly regained his previous state.

'What was that...?' Sato asked himself in thought. " okay?" The two asked. Sato removed his hand from his face and nodded. He then asked the two a question of his own.

"Who are you two...?"

Dylan looked at Vivian and Vivian looked back at Dylan. Dylan spoke first, stating multiple things,

"My name is Dylan West! I'm a sixteen year old and fifty percent human! I like YouTube, Steak, an-"

Dylan had been cut off by Vivian who stated only a few things.

"Vivian West...Sixteen...Not Exactly Human..."

Sato would have instantly jumped when they said that they were not human but due to the armor, he couldn't. Instead, he moved his right hand over to the hilt of the Exoskeleton like blade and gripped it. He then asked, "What do you mean by 'Not exactly Human...'?"

Dylan and Vivian looked at each other yet again then at Sato. "Well...we're Esper."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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