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"Aaaaaaaaaaaand?" Draco smirked,  holding Harry's stuffed house elf above his head. "Yourethegreatestwizardofalltime," Harry breathed, holding out his scrawny hands, attempting in vain to retrieve it.  "Can I please have Dobby back now?" "Fine. I'm bored with you sniveling anyway." Draco tossed the toy away, hitting the blocks that Hermione was building with. She gave a disgruntled shout. "Hey!" Potter quickly chased after the raggedy toy, an expression of concern evident on his small face. "I'm so sorry, Hermione!" Draco giggled, and jumped off the stool he was standing on, and ran to his henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle. "Did you see the expression on his face?" They giggled maliciously, until Draco shushed them. "Wait till you see what I do during nap time." He laughed.
Harry looked so serene on his mat, hair tousled about. And Draco was about to ruin that. He brought out the sparkly green marker he had taken during play time, and rolled onto his belly and began to army crawl toward the other sleeping toddler. When he made it to Potter, he quietly removed the cap from the marker and wrote across Harry's forehead, 'Draco's' using Harry's lightening bolt as the 's'. He giggled as he crawled back to his mat. Just wait till he wakes up.

Harry had a nice dream, where the trees were made of gumdrops and Draco was being nice to him. 
What he awoke to, however, wasn't as pleasant. Draco was snickering in his direction, which could never be good. Harry looked down at himself. Everything had been in order. He furrowed his brows as he contemplated what Draco was laughing about. He ran over to Ron, who's eyes widened. "He wrote on you." He stated. "Wassit say?" Harry asked worryingly. Ron blushed crimson. "I can't read." He ran to the mirror hanging over the bassinet cabinet and peered at his face. In sparkly green, it proclaimed Harry as Draco's.
Harry's face darkened almost as red as Ron's. "Not funny, Malfoy!" He yelled, quickly chasing after the boy. 

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