Stefan and Elena were at the charity place they saw two suspicious people they went to go ask what they were doing in Mystic Falls. One of the person said my name is Mason Lockwood. The second person said I'm Tyler Lockwood. Mason said this is my nephew I am staying with him because his father passed away. Stefan said well its nice to meet you two. Elena whispered I don't trust him he looks more like a Werewolf. Stefan whispered its OK Elena don't worry I don't trust him either. Mason said do you guys know where we can find food. Stefan said yeah at the bar. Mason said thank you let's go Tyler. Stefan used his Vampirism hearing so he can hear what the Lockwood's are talking about. Elena said Stefan what's going on. Stefan said Elena I gotta tell you something private really private. Elena said OK. They went to Stefan's house and Stefan said Elena I'm a Vampire. Elena was shocked her eyes were wide she was scared Shitless. Elena said your a Vampire all this time you were a vampire and you didn't even tell me why Stefan why didn't you tell the first thing you met me. Stefan said because I thought you were going to hate me and kill me I'm sorry for being a kiss ass. Elena said no your not a kiss ass you were just scared and there's something I gotta tell you. Stefan said what is it. Elena said I love you so much. Stefan said I love you to. And then Stefan and Elena Kissed.