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Before he awoke, he heard a awful sobbing sound, and as he slipped into conciseness he realized it was himself. Then he was paralyzed fear from a unknown cause bit and poisoned his mind like a deadly snake. Images of things he couldn't make out flashed in his head. So much pain, he couldn't handle it, and he felt hot tears well up and overflow in his eyes.

Hux had to get up, he rarely experienced something like this, and on this magnitude, he knew he had to go find comfort somewhere in this cold ship. Hux wasn't thinking correctly, and he stepped out into the corridor barefoot, and a blanket wrapped over his shoulders dragging behind him. He headed to an observervation deck to try and calm himself.

Ren decided to walk around star killer, bored out of his mind from the uneventful day, that is until he saw the small frame of the ginger General looking frighteningly like a child walk aimlessly down the corridor, the knight started to walk after the man to inquire why Hux was out so late and dragging a blanket behind himself.

Ren suspected that Hux must have heard Ren's heavy footfalls, because he ran off ducking Into a room, his blanket fluttering softly behind him. Kylo quickly went after him, and when he looked inside Hux was sitting on the floor in a corner at the right of the threshold of the door.

"...General?" A wave of compassion passed through him when he heard a little broken whimper in response from the ginger.

Ren knelt down on one knee to look at Hux, lifting his head up ever so slightly. He was taken aback by the mans appearance. Purple bags under his teary eyes, his cheeks shimmering and streaked with tears. The man resisted the urge to pull him into a hug.

"..Hux?" He spoke softly after he removed his mask out of respect for the Generals condition, he was trying not to make Hux feel inferior. "What happened?"

"J-..just a..just a dream.." He was so ashamed of himself.

Kylo felt the burning pain, heavy in his heart, he lost the battle to resisting the urge to hug him, and his arms wrapped around his small waist.Ren was surprised to feel Hux return the embrace so quickly. 

"P..please help me.." He choked out 

"Of course..anything you need" He felt his heart break at his shaky pleading voice.

With a wave of his hand Ren purged any self loathing thoughts from Hixs mind, and there were to many to count, no one had any idea the weight Hux carried even Ren was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of hate the seemingly perfect man had for himself.

"General..may I take you to your quarters?" Ren made sure to keep his tone light but respectful.

"please do.."

Ren surprised the red head by picking him up and carrying him back to his room. Ren didn't understand why he was having such emotions or sentimental actions towards the man, but he knew Hux deserved to be at least treated as a lover at the moment. 

"Thank you" Hux whispered as Kylo laid him down on his bed and quickly followed after.

Kylo kept contact with Hux, not letting a hand slip away from the thigh it was currently stationed at, or his fluffy ginger hair. As they fell asleep Hux popped back into consciousness, sniffling and whimpering until Ren started humming to him which slowly turned into a song. Hux has never felt loved any more than this. 

"Hux?...I won't let anyone harm you."

Those words looked as if they put a temporary end to his suffering, and they slept with few disturbances until the morning.

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