Cody Simpson? My EX Best Friend: Chapter (10)

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"Should I wear my New York Yankees jersey or New York Mets jersey?" I asked undescisively, placing my hand on my hip.

Cody squinted his eyes and looked between the two jerseys. "How about you wear nothing?" He suggested, winking.

I sighed and placed the two jerseys on his bed.

Christian, Alli, Cody and I were leaving for New York in less than two hours and I still haven't finished packing.

"Have you ever watched sports?" Cody asked accusingly.

I spun around to face him. "Does ice-skating or gymnastics count?" I asked, smiling sheepishly.

Cody gave me a look of disbelief. "An activity isn't classified as a sport unless it involves dunking, tackling, kicking or pitching."

I raised my eyebrow. "Are you one of those guys who think that an activity that's more feminime isn't classified as a sport?" I asked, taking a step toward him.

Cody closed the gap between us and grinned. "Are you one of those girls who think that an activity that is more feminime can be classified as a sport?"

I crossed my arms defensively. "Girls can do anything guys can."

"Prove it." He said, shrugging.

"Bring it." I challenged.

Cody grinned. "Boys are usually the ones making the first move in a relationship. I want you to make the first move this time and kiss m--"

I cut Cody's sentence off shortly but wrapping my hand around the back of his neck. I brought his face closer to mine and our lips met instantly. I stood up on my toes to get a better angle and we continued kissing passionately. Cody placed his hand on my back and interwined his other hand with my free one. He moved backward and fell ontop of his bed, me on top of him.

Before things got more heated than they were now, I pulled away from our make out session and smirked.

"Still think girls can't do anything boys can?" I asked.

Cody shook his head quickly. "Care to support more evidence for your statement?" He asked, out of breath.

I ruffled his hair and smiled. "Are you sure I'm going to be able to handle it? After all, making out is just as difficult as running with a football in my hands."

Cody cupped my face in his hands and brought it toward his before kissing me. "I don't know, you tell me."

- - -

"Hello, New York!" Alli yelled into no one in particular.

"New York can keep you." I said, making my way out of the private jet behind Alli.

I was watching where I was walking, cautious not to trip over Alli's luggage. We were only staying in New York for a weekend and leave it up to Alli to bring two suitcases.

Potter and Yale helped Alli and I place our belongings inside the trunk of the limo.

Alli and I got inside and waited for the boys.

I was sitting across from Alli, in the corner of the seat. I wrapped a blanket around my legs and curled up into a ball.

I heard crackling noises and looked up to find Alli almost in tears. I followed her eye's gaze and saw Christian on the floor, his head in a puddle. His body was sprawled out on the floor as if he had tripped. Cody was pointing and laughing.

"You sure do have a weird way of showing your love for Christian." I said, holding in a smile.

Alli immideatly stopped laughing. "I don't like Christian."

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