Its not easy being me!

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Melissa's (Daniels GF) POV

If you knew me, I'm one of the MOST known (popular) girl at this school! I plan to join cheerleading, so when my boyfriend Daniel plays basketball, I'll be there to support him! I love him like that!

 If you knew me, I'm one of the MOST known (popular) girl at this school! I plan to join cheerleading, so when my boyfriend Daniel plays basketball, I'll be there to support him! I love him like that!

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I'm lucky, I have a great life! I love it!!!
Every time I walk down that hallway, everyone stops and stares at me. And sometimes I hear them whisper,

"She's so pretty! Does she have a boyfriend!?"

"Yea! But DONT break them up! They are SO goals! Last year he gave her a giant teddy bear, for valentine's Day!"

Yes he did people! I'm sorry, my heart belongs to another!

I can't complain, oh yeah... I can...
But I can only be mean in my head! I can't say mean things in Front of my boyfriend!
He just doesn't know...

How many girls WANT HIM!!

I have to go though so much! And this girl makes it worse!
Thanks whatever-your-name-is!!
Other than that,
life is good!
Today, at the end of the day, I walked up to Daniel giving him a goodbye hug.

"Hey" he looked down at me.

"Hey!" I looked up, He's REALLY tall.

"Meet me by my locker!" And he runs away,

I roll my eyes, with a smile.
How can I say no?

My friend start talking about how she wants me to come over. I suddenly remembered to meet Daniel by his locker, and I quickly ran,

"Where are you-"
I didn't let my friend finish her sentence.

I see him waiting there, Watching everyone leave.
Omg! He's so cute and patient!

"Hey.." I say "sorry I'm late!"

"No, it's fine! Can I ask you something?"

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"No, it's fine! Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it! I mean we're already dating so..."

We laughed,

"Wanna go to the mall?"

"Sure! With who?"

"Some of my friends (all)."

"Ok! I'm gonna bring some of my friend too!"

"Okay," he says laughing.

He's so cute! When are we gonna have our first kiss Daniel!!!

We walk out holding hands,

We walk out holding hands,

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I love him...
A lot...
And I don't wanna Lose him...

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