After School

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Marie POV

The last bell rang and i walked to my locker....I saw Ashley crying with her head in her locker.

"Ashley what happened earlier?" i asked

"Go away!!!" She yelled causing everyone to look

I was still very confused......

"Hey, come with me." Said Grayson while he brought me to my locker.

I collected my stuff...

"Marie?" asked Grayson as we walked out the school.

"Ya?" i asked

" You see... i need a ride." he said smiling

"ya sure." i said.

We hopped into my car and drove off to his house.

"Hey Marie... you do know that Ethan was dating Ashley before he liked you....." he said while looking at me.

I stopped the car....

"Grayson i am still very confused!" i cried

"Marie, it's okay" said Grayson as he held my hand

i let go.. "What are you doing?" i asked

Grayson looked out the window and said "i need to get home..."

I started the car and continued to drive until i got to his house....

"Here we are." i said looking out the window and saw Ethan standing in their drive way staring at us...

"K thanks." said Grayson

I turned around to face Grayson..... we touched lips...Grayson put his two hands on my cheeks and held are kiss.

"GRAYSON!" yelled Ethan as he ran to the car.

We stopped kissing... as his hands were still on my cheeks.

"I like you Marie."Grayson Whispered

I stared into his eyes as he was pulled away by Ethan. Grayson ran into the house....

I looked down and started the car. "Wait, Marie!" yelled Ethan as i was about to push the gas pedal.

I froze and looked at my steering wheel, not making contact with Ethan. I was still shocked... Ethan jumped into the car and reached over to the keys to turn off the car.

"What is going on Marie?" asked Ethan

"I don't know.... Maybe ask yourself that." i replied

"Marie....." said Ethan as i cut him off.

I started back up the car....

"Please leave..." i said

No, take me with you." said Ethan

"Fine." i said looking at him in the eyes

I drove...."Marie......." said Ethan "no"..... i said as we got to my house

I turned off the car and me and Ethan got out and went through the side door so my mom wouldn't see me and Ethan...

I walked to my room as Ethan followed. As we walked in, Ethan closed the door picked me up and threw me on the bed.

"Ethan!" i yelled

"Shhhhh, i wanna make it up to you." he said

He then kissed my once and then took off his shirt and took mine off....

"Ethan what are doing? You are dating Ashley!" i said

"She broke up with me." he replied

i Pushed him away and got up.

"You cheated on her..... my bestfriend!" I yelled.

"Marie, just please give me a chance." said Ethan

I cried..... as i closed my eyes.... i was pushed to the wall......

"Marie.....please." said Ethan as he cried

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