Chapter 1

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You're in the palace of the secret fairy kingdom, which you've lived in your entire life and only left a handful of times (because fuck the outside world, or that's basically how all the other fairies act). You're in the court room where you are currently in a fight with your father, the Fairy King.

"Father, please reconsider!" You plead.

"No!" He replies sternly. "It has been decided. You will do as you're told!" You father is trying to get you to marry a male fairy that you've never even met. You're not even allowed to meet him before the wedding. This is a tradition, but you think it's a stupid tradition.

"But I don't want to get married to someone I've never met!"

"If you want to be queen, you have to have a husband!"

"But I don't want to be queen!" Your words hurt the king and it's visible on his face. "My sister would make a much better queen that me! And it's supposed to be that the elder child becomes queen, not the younger!"

You have an older sister who would be a much better queen than you. She's more queen material than you.

Your father's face hardens. "...Then you are no daughter of mine."

Tears start coming from your eyes as you fly to your room. You lock the door, gather some things and run away. Well, fly away, out the window. Your father basically just disowned you, so you have no reason to stay. So you decide to leave the realm of the fairies.

You've never gone very far the realm before, but since you'd rather not see your father any time soon, you leave the realm and continue to fly off into the distance.

---------time skip-----------

You're still flying, you don't know where to, but you keep going. You left the kingdom a long while ago and now you're in the outside world. You've never been this far into the outside world, but you have to get away. They can't be able to find you.

You're getting lower and lower to the ground as your wings can't support you anymore from exhaustion.

There is a young troll in a chair with wheels outside a home as you're coming closer to the ground. Of course, you don't know he's a troll because you've never seen one before. The troll soon notices you once you're about ten feet off the ground, since you just look like a ball of light flying through the night sky, and starts wheeling towards you slowly. Your wings can't take it anymore and you start falling. The troll wheels towards you faster until he's sure he'll catch you. He reaches out his hands and catches you. He holds you, as you are small enough to lay in the palms of his hands.

The young troll's eyes go wide as he realizes what you are. He needs a moment to process that there's a living, breathing fairy in his hands at that moment.

"Thank you." You tell him with a small smile, then the exhaustion causes you to pass out.

He starts to freak out because he thinks you're dead. Once he realizes your just asleep, he calms down, sets you on his lap and takes you into his home, or as the trolls call it, his hive.

The troll's Lusus flies over to investigate what's in the troll's lap. He sets you on a Fiduspawn host plush and looks you over. Your (favorite color) dress matches your wings, which are a slightly lighter shade than your clothes and are translucent. Your (hair color) hair goes down to your mid-back and is pulled back into a ponytail. He thinks you look beautiful, almost like a doll.

The troll then realizes that he should probably cover you to keep you warm. He looks around for something to help warm you up. His lusus brings him a small rag that used to belong to a host plush, but was torn to shreds. The troll sets the rag over you like a blanket. He's worried. He's just found a real life fairy and he's afraid it's close to death and that it might not wake up. He checks to see if you're still breathing, which you are, calms down a little bit.

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