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In mids of the war between keepers and seekers.

The great oracle of keepers unfold a propecy

"A maiden will be born""

This thee will over power all "

"Thou shall save keepers world"

"And thy defeat darkness"

Because of the propecy. Keepers had a glimps of hope

And seekers become furious

They fought for this hope. But seekers are so strong that time that keepers can't widthstand them.

Not in long Seekers reach the palavion. 

The home of the Royals..The Royal guards fought for their Queen and her newly born baby..

Because of the Queen giving birth to her baby, she become weak and vulnerable..

The Queen thinks that she can't no longer protect her baby and her palace.

And she said to her bestfriend that she should save her baby. That Stella should go to the other dimension and live there with a peaceful life..because thy baby will come and will save all seeker..

And thy legacy begins.

Magnus AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon