Indefinite Things

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"Indefinite things frustrate me, to be honest, Chris."

"What do you mean by 'indefinite things'?"

"Things that... you have no assurance of, unpredictable feelings, events you can't figure out why they happened, and the like."

(laughs a little)

"You don't laugh to such confusion, dear. I'm telling you, it's frustrating. How I wish it won't happen to you!"

"My mother died when I was 13. My 4-year-bestfriend betrayed me and haven't talked to me up to this day."

"I know that, Chris. You already told--"

"Well, I thought you really 'knew' that. Those things that happened to me, I can't still get to understand them, too, Alexis."


"In life, everyone goes through with that confusion. You're not the only one. But it's not important how frustrating they are. You know, you'll only get tired of finding multiple reasons trying to understand why things happened the way you think it shouldn't be, because there's no way we can, but again, it does not matter."

"But you can't be left by someone and just leave it all behind not knowing why. 'Cos finding answers is the only answer."

"Okay, say you'll find for answers, but find none. Isn't it because you don't have to find one in the first place? You'll end up just thinking it's your own fault when it's not, when things just really happened. Not eveything has to have an apparent reason, Alex."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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