Para tetamu yang terdiri daripada kumpulan profesional dan pakar dalam bidang fizik sedang berdiri di dalam makmal aku menunggu langkah aku yang sepatutnya mengagumkan mereka. Mereka ialah lembaga pengarah Fakulti Pengajian Fizik dan Astronomi dari Universiti Oxford dan kumpulan pengarah jabatan dari England National Security. Aku harus memberi impak yang gagah supaya mereka yakin untuk memberi dana untuk aku teruskan kajian aku. Kelihatan mereka sedang berbual sesama mereka dan pembantu peribadi masing-masing sedang sibuk menyiapkan diri untuk mencatat segala nota.
"Gentleman, welcome to my laboratory," aku menjemput mereka dari ruang menunggu di luar makmal aku dan membawa kumpulan itu menerokai makmal itu. "As you can see, this lab is equipped with great technology and updated softwares,"
"May I know where did you get the funding for the equipments?" tanya salah seorang pengarah dari Oxford.
"Umm. I used the university grant money and the remaining is paid using my own money."
"The project that you are working on is showing no promising progress, and you used up the money that you were provided with, so why should we fund you?" soalnya lagi dan aku hanya diam memandangnya. Benar, aku tidak ada jawapan yang kukuh untuk soalannya. Aku buntu dan aku butuhkan wang untuk meneruskan kajian aku.
"Professor Baldwin, please, enough with your scepticism. It is okay Dr Umar, continue," aku diselamatkan oleh Profesor Brian Giggs, ketua lembaga pengarah fakulti itu. Aku tersenyum memandangnya. Seperti senyuman seorang lelaki yang baru dikeluarkan dari lohong neraka.
"Thank you. Okay, the project that I am currently working on is called Project R.A.I., Real Artificial Intelligence," kemudian para tetamu mendongak kepala memandangku, menunggu penjelasanku akan kajian aku. "This robot over here can answer every question asked including personal question," kataku dengan penuh yakin sambil menepuk lembut robot ciptaanku yang bersaiz seakan-akan kotak setinggi dua meter berwarna hitam.
"How does it acquire all the answers?"
"The robot uses supercomputer, powered by uranium-235 isotope and also solar for storage energy and access all websites available on the net to find the best answer. The algorithm allows the program to choose the best answer available and also explain the answer like the best teacher using the language and communication algorithm installed. This can be a huge leap in the field on education. Children can easily understand how quantum mechanics can explain tunnelling effects and how electron can behave like wave and particle at the same time."
"What is the interface? How does it communicate with the user?"
"It uses voice recognition technology that allows user to talk to the robot, and also a built-in keyboard. Just in case. And using the communication algorithm, this robot talk to the user when they have no one to talk to," jawabku yang mengundang ketawa kecil pada beberapa orang tetamu. Mereka kelihatan semakin berminat.
"What about our usage? How can this... robot... can benefit the security and defence system?" tanya wakil dari National Security.
"This robot can benefit when it comes to electronic warfare. It can perform both, electronic protective measures and electronic countermeasures. It can act as both signal jammer and spectrum analyser and do triangulation process to locate the source of jamming signal."
"But we already have the technology."
"Yes, but as two independent bodies," jawabku yang dibalas dengan anggukan dari lelaki itu. Hadirin diam menghadam segala informasi sebelum seorang lelaki mengemukakan soalan yang aku takuti.
"So far, based on your explanation, this robot can do what many people with internet access can do, only on shorter time. But you said that this robot can also answer personal question? How does it do that? To what extend does it go to our personal information? Can it reveal our personal information to the public?" soal salah seorang wakil dari National Security. Mata-mata yang tadi tertumpu kepadanya kini beralih kepadaku. Aku memandangnya sebelum memberikan jawapanku.
"Our subconscious mind actually stores many memories that our conscious mind do not keep as long term memories. If I can access the subconscious mind then the answer to the personal question about the user can be known. The information however will not be revealed as the robot is programmed to read the questions entered by the user and print the answers found in the database. They are not programmed to write anything. With access to the subconscious mind, it can answer basically any questions regarding the user. How many times have they showered in their life? How many times have they yawn? What is their biggest happiness?"
"I am sorry. But... IF... you can access?" itu lah soalan yang aku masih belum punya jawapannya.
"Yes, IF... So far, I haven't found anything to allow me to access to the subconscious mind." Jawabku yang mendiamkan atmosfera makmal itu. Hanya bunyi exhaust fan yang mengisi kesunyian bilik itu. Para hadirin turut memikirkan solusi terhadap permasalahanku.
"So, Dr Umar, what is your plan? Have you tried from medical angle?" tanya ketua lembaga pengarah Fakulti Pengajian Fizik dan Astronomi itu.
"I did, I tried EEG, Penoxylin Barbibutanol, MRI, CAT scan. Maybe I have to try quantum entanglement or perhaps human science. I don't know... But I have to keep trying," dan bilik itu menjadi diam. Lebih seminit berlalu dan tetamu-tetamu aku seakan bingung ingin membuat keputusan untuk membiaya kajian aku atau menarik sahaja talian hayatku. Setelah lama mendiamkan diri akhirnya Profesor Brian memberikan keputusannya.
"We will support you Dr. Umar. We will give you five hundred grand Euro for the research."
"But Professor, it is a big risk. We don't have..."
"It is okay Baldwin,put this on me. I remember when I was young and my mind was stopped by money.The thing that stands between me and my passion. Make us proud Dr Umar. Change the world," kata profesor Brian selepas kata-katanya dipotong oleh Profesor Max Baldwin.
Kecerdasan Buatan
Science Fiction[COMPLETED] Kisah seorang saintis yang ingin mencipta sebuah robot untuk menjawap semua soalan di dunia. Adakah semua soalan perlu dijawab?