14. No! Don't touch me!

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// Rydel POV //

"Look, Cleo."

I handed her a tissue.

"I really don't think Ross would do something like th-"

"You don't believe me?" She interrupted.

"I never said that," I told her, taking a deep breath. "It's just really not like Ross. He would never do something like this to the girl he loves. Maybe you just got it wrong?"

"I knew nobody would believe me."

"Cleo," I sympathised. "What you think you saw if the only actual proof we have."

I was about to start another sentence when I heard footsteps climbing the stairs.

"Cleo," Ross faintly called.

She stood up suddenly.

"Tell him I'm not here," she said, heading for the closet.


"Tell him I'm not here."

Ross entered the room just as the door shut.

"Is Cleo here?"

I looked at the closet before telling him no.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I was at the auditions with her and she just disappeared. I looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her so I thought I'd check here."

I shook my head.

"Well, she hasn't arrived home yet as far as I know."

"Ok thanks Del."

He reached the door but turned back round.

"If you see her, give me a ring yeah?"

I nodded as he left the room. Cleo came out of the closet and told me that she was going out.

"I wanna get a couple of things from the store anyway."

She left just as Ell walked in.

"Hey babe," he said, joking me on the bed and wrapping his arm around my neck. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I contemplated telling him before deciding that I should. I told him the whole story and how Ross didn't yet realise.

"We need to tell the others," he told me.

I panicked.

"What, everyone?!"

"No, just Ry and the band I think."

I nodded.

"Ok. I'll see if they're all gone."

I went downstairs to luckily find them all in the basement playing some sort of video game.

"Hey," I said nervously. "Can I talk to you all a minute?"

"Sure Del, what's up?" Riker asked.

They switched off their game. I repeated what I'd told Ellington minutes before.

"What?!" Ross yelled. "I did NOT kiss Laura. I can't believe Cleo would-"

"Ssh Ross," I whispered.

We all sat down, silently, as we heard footsteps walk past the door. They stopped before walking away again. I figured that Cleo had just forgotten something, and would leave again in a minute, but we didn't here the footsteps again.

"I feel like she's gotten this wrong though," I said. "You wouldn't do something like this to the girl you love."

His cheeks went red, but I don't know if it was from anger or embarrassment.

"That little bi-"

"Ross. Stop. You have to be calm and speak to Laura. If you can get the truth from her, you can get Cleo back."

"So Cleo's wrong?" Rocky asked.

// Cleo POV //

I heard Rocky ask something from where I was hidden behind the door.

"I mean, I love Cleo and all," Rydel said. "But this just isn't right."

I opened the door.

"You don't believe me?!" I cried.

She jumped up.

"No no Cleo. That's not it at al-"

"I knew it. I can't trust you, any of you. Especially not him," I pointed at Ross.

He stood up and reached out to touch my arm, but I pulled away.

"No! Don't touch me!"

I ran out of the room and out of the door.

I unlocked Ross' car with the keys that I'd grabbed on the way out and climbed in.

"Hey!" I heard him yell as I started the engine.

"That's my car!"

It was true that I'd practically stolen Ross' car. I already have my licence but I didn't yet have a car.

The engine revved as I drove off, looking at Ross raging in the mirror.

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