America Here we come!

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Storms PoV

Today's the day, we go to America.Aria and I were standing half asleep and looking like zombies.I smiled at my dad as did Aria, but to her dad. The coach ride to London was tiring but we got some sleep in anyway.
As we got to the airport, we started the long and very annoying process of security with tons of us getting stopped for various reasons. We finally got to the other side and decided to go shopping. But guess what Queen Bitch, Missy Towden made us go shopping with her. Yay! Note to sarcasm! hopefully we don't have a room with her! God that would be awful.As we kept on walking, me and Aria were making rude gestures at Missy. I HATE HER.After a while of shopping for whatever she wanted we finally got called to the gate to get on the plane. Yes!
As me and Aria boarded we smiled and shouted in unison
"America here we come!" This earned us a disapproving look from Miss Davis. She was strict but good hearted I guess. Me and aria got on the plane after half an hour. We could get together and sit next to each other with our friend Ted he's cool and all. In flight movies and trivia games were all we gonna do.

Thanks guys if you read this, gonna be better next time though we're drama strtz and these two girls will be meeting two very important people. Hope u enjoy!

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