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Two hours later and Jaebum burst through the front door with Youngjae ( who had five bags in his hands) in tow.
Mrs.Choi looked up to see the two boys, one of which looked like he went through hell and then other who was holding a small white dog on his shoulder.

"Do I want to know?"

Youngjae groaned loudly and dropped the bags, causing dog toys, dog food and dog clothes to spill on the kitchen floor.

"I think Jaebum found someone to spoil."

Jaebum turned red as Youngjae glared at him.

"I said I was going to pay for it!" Jaebum squeaked, in a last attempt to defend himself.

"You owe me dinner now." Youngjae said, before stomping up the stairs.

Once he was gone, Mrs. Choi burst out giggling. Jaebum froze when he heard the toilet flush.

"Who's here mom?" He asked looking around.

Mrs. Choi smiled and pointed behind Jaebum.

Jaebum turned and smiled immediately when he saw his mom standing in front of the bathroom door.

"MOOOM!" He yelled, tackle hugging her.

Mrs. Im chuckled and held the boy in her arms as he gave her a large bear hug.

"What are you doing here?!" He said looking her over.

"I just wanted to talk."

Jaebum nodded and picked up Coco.

"Let's go to my room."

Jaebum chuckled nervously as his mom stared at the mess in front of her. A bookshelf on the ground, books scattered all over the floor and a crushed chair.

"Okay let's not go to my room."

And that's how Mrs. Choi, Mrs. Im, Jaebum, Coco and a seething Youngjae ended up in Youngjae's room.

"Why do you have to talk here?!" Youngjae whined.

Jaebum glared at him, clearly having enough of the younger boy's whining, "Shut up Youngjae. My room is a mess and your room is the next best thing."

"But there's something called a livi-" Youngjae stopped mid sentence when he noticed the look Jaebum was giving him.

"Okay Princess...you win this round." He said, slightly pouting.

Mrs. Choi made a whipping noise with her mouth but silenced under her son's glare.

Mrs. Im held back a smile and crossed her legs.

"Jaebum do you know what you are?"

Jaebum shook his head. He was sitting with his legs crossed on Youngjae's bed, with Coco in his lap.
Youngjae was inches away from him as he sat protectively behind him, which Mrs. Im noticed.

"Well, do you know how you got these 'powers?'"

Again Jaebum shook his head.

"Well, it's a trait that runs through the family blood line. It skips every two generations. My grandmother was normal while you and I are enchanters. And if you do have kids one day, they will be normal. And so will they're kids. Do you understand?"

Jaebum nodded his head, "Enchanters?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.
Youngjae had to refrain himself from smiling and cooing at the boy because he looked very adorable. And the fact that he looked like Coco when he tilted his head was almost too much for Youngjae.

"Enchanters, they can make spells, do magical things, turn stuff into other stuff."

"Like how he turned my freaking chair and nightstand into Coco."

"Technically they were Beep and Boop first."

Mrs. Im stopped the two boys, "What do you mean was a chair? And who's Beep and Boop?"

Youngjae rolled his eyes, "Princess over here turned my favorite chair and nightstand into two ducklings. And when he tried to change them back, they magically poofed into Coco."

Mrs. Im's eyes widened, "Wait, what color was the smoke cloud."


Mrs. Im leaned back and smiled, "That means you'll excel in shapeshifting."

Jaebum leaned closer in excitement, "What else will I excel at!?"

"Changing things into other things and considering you stopped a bookshelf from smushing you, perhaps even telekinesis."

Jaebum's eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas morning, "Does that mean I can move that chair from here to there."


"I can get a glass of water from downstairs without getting up from my bed?!"


"Can I lift Youngjae and throw him down the stairs?!"



"Sweetie do you not understand the meaning of telekinesis?"

Jaebum stuck his tongue out at Mrs. Choi, "I do! I'm just making sure."

Mrs. Choi laughed and ruffled his hair.

"So....do I train or something?"

Mrs. Im nodded, "I sent you here for a reason. There's Chinese couple here that have the same specialties as you. Usually people only have one speciality but you have two."

"Oh wow. He's not only a princess....he's a fairy princess."

"Youngjae I swear to mother trucking god if you open your shizzlenut mouth again, I will not hesitate to throw you down the stairs."

Mr. Im and Mrs. Choi burst out laughing at the adorable threat while Youngjae scooted backwards a couple of inches.

"So...who's the couple?"

Mrs. Im smiled, "They go by Luhan and Lay."

The four of them talked for another ten minutes before Mrs. Im decided it was time for her to leave.

Jaebum waved as his mom left the room. Mrs. Choi followed, leaving the two teenage boys alone.

Youngjae turned to Jaebum and smirked, "So....you're a wizard Bummie."

Idk if you Ppl realized but
I'm Exo trash aka I'm an Exo Stan aka there will be Exo in most of my books.


So I was only planning on having layhan in the story
But if you guys rather have another couple then pls feel free to comment
(It doesn't have to be Exo, just a group that I do know)

I might also have a guest appearance by Tao (he is my ub after all)



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