Empty Promises - Chapter 4

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I don't know why. I shouldn't be so happy about Harry. He hurt me. He cheated on me. He broke his promises. I really shouldn't have kissed him. Dammit why did I kiss him? I was under his freaking spell again, wasn't I? Gosh. All my hatred starting coming back. But then again.. He saved me from a mugger. But then again, he had sex with a slut. God my emotions were getting the best of me. I.. I loved him. There. I said it. But then... I can't let him know that. Should I give him another chance? Should I not give him another chance?

I rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I had called work and taken a week long vacation so I didn't have to work. I had vacation days and I was just too stressed. I needed a break and I figured the week long hiatus would be a nice change. I grabbed my cooking supplies. Including a cooking pan, pasta, and some cheese. I'm a little weird, you could say. I cannot stand that horrid boxed macaroni and cheese. I boiled some water, adding in the pasta shells and letting them become soft. After about ten minutes, I turned the boiler off and drained the water and added in the cheese, along with some butter and milk. "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN THE BEST PART OF ME WAS ALWAYS YOU, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY WHEN IM ALL CHOKED UP AND YOU'RE OK."

I jump up from the chair I had just sat down in. My phone was playing the song Breakeven by The Script. Which meant that someone was calling me. I sprinted to my room, across the apartment. Entering my room and plopping onto my purple bedspread and grabbing my iPhone from my night stand. It was Harry. Woah, it's been a long time since I've seen his name appear on my screen. I hadn't even changed his contact name, which was Haz <3. Nor did I change his contact photo, which was a picture of us kissing. I hesitated before letting it go to voicemail, sighing and rolling over on my bed. I picked that ringtone after he broke my heart. Because I just figured that he was ok and I was the only one who got choked up about every day after that and I still do sometimes. I remember going back to my parents home in L.A. I just showed up on their doorstep, my suitcase and bags with me. They didn't even know I was coming.


Dingdong. I rang the doorbell to my parents 3-story Victorian style house. My face was tear stained and my eyes were bloodshot. I had cried the whole entire flight from London to L.A. I'm pretty sure the flight attendant thought I was crazy. The elderly woman who sat by me kept asking if she could pray for me. I finally agreed, but what I didn't expect is what she did. She took me in her arms, hugging me while she prayed. I just sat there while she prayed, with my head resting on her chest. I finally fell asleep.

My mom opened the front door, instantly sensing that something was wrong. "Michael! Come here!" She yells into the house before gathering me into her arms and asking what was wrong. My dad appearing in the doorway.

"Maddie? What are you doing here?" He asked, then I looked up at him with my wet face. "What's wrong?" I pulled away from my mom and went to hug my dad. After a few minutes of crying silently into my dads shirt, I let go, looking at both of them.

"I just wanted to come home." I gave them a weak smile but my voice gave away my lie.

"Honey, what's really wrong? Are you pregnant?" My mom asked anxiously, wringing her wrists.

"I swear to god if you're pregnant Madison Jane Blankenship, I will personally go to London and kill Harry." My dad lets in.

I looked up at both of them, tears started streaming down my face as I shook my head. "He-he." I choked out a sob, not able to finish my sentence.

"Michael," My mom took my left hand to look at it. "Sh-she's not wearing her ring!" My mom looked up at me. "Aw Maddie." She wrapped me in her arms. "It will be ok."

"What happened then? Why aren't y'all getting married?" My dad persisted with the questioning.

"I-I called it off." I said quietly. My dad had grabbed my luggage and brought them inside and my mom led me into the den, where we all three sat down to talk.

"But why honey? You both seemed so in love. I'm confused." She rubbed circles on my back, trying to calm me down.

"He-he cheated on me." I half said, half cried into my moms shoulder.

"He what?!" My dad stood up, angry.

"Michael! Stop! She's in pain, can't you tell?" My mother put her arms around me. I stood up.

"I-I think I'm just going to go to my room." I sniffled and headed up to my room.

**Flashback Ended**

I remember staying in my bed for over a week. Harry and I had been together for 3 years. Why did he choose then to break my heart? I think we just needed to talk. I just had to get everything off my chest before I fully forgave him. I picked up my phone to call him back.

"Hey. You called." I said when he answered.

"Yea. I was kinda wondering if you wanted to come over to our, sorry I mean my place. Maybe we could watch a movie or play a board game? Or just talk?" He asked.

"Harry.. I think we need to talk." I sigh.

"Yea?" He says nervously.

"Not on the phone, silly boy. I'll be at your place in an hour." I state, getting up and heading to my closet.

"Ok Maddie. See you then." He hangs up.

I walk into my closet, grabbing my yellow v-neck, slipping it over my head and my ripped-up skinny jeans, sliding them up my legs. I placed my feet into my gray vans and headed to my bathroom. I put on some light make up, brush my teeth, and straighten my hair. I grab my keys and head out. While I drove to his flat, I thought about what I was going to say to him. I was quite scared. And frankly, it doesn't help that I used to live there. I hadn't been there once since the day I found out about him and Britney. I got one of my friends to come and pick up the rest of my stuff. I even go out of my way to avoid going down that street. I drive up, the gate opens and I park my car. I called Harry to let him know I was downstairs. This was one of those snazzy places where you had to have a key card to go on the elevator. He appeared a few minutes later, wearing a dark purple jack wills shirt with jeans and his worn out hipster boots.. I remember buying those for him.

"Hey." He says as we walk towards the elevator. He pulls out his key card and scans it, while typing in the same security code that it had been when I lived with him, 2-2-0-2.

"Hey yourself." I reply.

"You know, your key card still works." He looks down, nodding at the key card that was dangling from the keychain I was holding.

"You.. You didn't deactivate mine?" I asked, totally taken off guard.

"No. I didn't.." He looks away from me and we arrive on his floor. "What did you want to talk about?"

I take a deep breath. "I-I just. You have to understand Harry. This is so hard for me to... Even be near you." I looked away from him.

"Mads-" He took a step near me but I took a step back. "I already apologized. I'm so sorry. Please."

"HARRY! I don't care that you apologized!" I half yell and half start to cry. "I stayed in bed for WEEKS! Crying! I wondered why. Why was I not good enough? That question just kept popping up. I cried and cried and cried. My mom thought something was seriously wrong with me and I might need medical attention because I cried so much. I barely ate. I just layed there. Motionless."

"I wish I could talk it back-"

"But you can't!" I cut him off. "Why should I even give you another chance? I'm standing here, in our old flat. All these memories. I walked through THAT DOOR," I pointed at the front door. "I heard it Harry. I heard you get up and lie to me. I was right outside the door. I-I.. I even heard you tell her to leave!"

"Just.. I can't lose you again Maddie, please! There was no excuse for what I did! And I'm sorry." He pleads with me.

"Well, Harry, you've already lost me." I start to sob and walk towards the door leading to the elevator but Harry grabs my arm, pulling me up against his toned chest, holding me tightly. I tried to fight it, punching his chest but it was no use.

"Maddie," I could hear him crying. "Please. Please don't leave again." I stopped struggling and just let him hold me as we both cried. After what felt like an hour, I looked up at him and he looked back at me. Both of us had bloodshot eyes.

"I love you." I barely whispered. But he heard it. He picked my up and spun me around, lightly placing me back down.

"I love you too." He smiles down at me. I giggle.

"Are ya gonna kiss me?" I ask, teasing him.

"Of course." He smirks and lean down. Our lips touch. It feels like it had been forever. I missed his touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck, fisting his curls in my hand and he wrapped his around my middle, running his hands up and down my sides. We pulled away and looked into each others eyes. "I've missed you." He says breathlessly.

"I missed you too." I smile. After a few hours of getting caught up and just talking and laughing about everything, we decided to watch a movie. He told me I could pick, so I scrolled through netflix and we ended up watching Lovestruck: The Musical. I know, I know. It sounds cheesy but it is one of my favorite movies. We sat down on the couch in his movie room, me resting my head on his shoulder and his arm swung comfortably around my neck. After about thirty minutes in, Harry was asleep. As usual. He used to always fall asleep. No matter what movie it was. Heck, he'd even fall asleep during our wedding reception. I picked up my phone and started texting Carley, my best friend, bringing her up to date on the latest news with Harry. All of a sudden, I heard the floor creak behind me. I jumped up, seeing a group of 4 masked figures holding knives and walking towards us. I screamed and Harry bolted upright.

"Maddie what's wr-?" He turned around and saw them too. He didn't scream though. He just looked really pissed. "Guyssss!"

"W-wait.. You know these guys?" I breathed a sigh of relief as I loosened my grip on Harry's forearm. I had been standing behind him, using him as a shield.

"Yea. I do." He was really annoyed with them. "Come on Lou! And the rest of you! Take the damn masks off." The masked men all took their disguises off, revealing themselves to be the 4 other members of One Direction. Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

"Who's the pretty lady you have hiding behind you?" I heard the one in the front ask. He had brown hair and was wearing a striped shirt.

"I'm Maddie." I introduce myself, stepping out from behind Harry.

"Woah man, THIS is THE Maddie?" The same boy spoke up again.

"The Maddie?" I raise my eyebrows and look at Harry.

"Haha I told Louis a little bit about you." He blushes.

"You told me a little bit? Hell to the no. He basically gave me a biography about you. I know EVERYTHING. Harry won't ever shut up about you. And it's been what? Three years?" He says seriously but I can tell he's joking. "I mean, I'll point out a hot girl to him at a club and EVERY FLIPPIN' TIME, he goes 'she's nothing compared to Mads.'"

"Louis!" Harry said, embarrassed by what Lou had told me.

"So are you two together?" Louis asks, pointing at us two.

"Uhh, not quite." Harry replies.

"Well, I've been waiting for you to introduce me to your friends." I raise my eyebrows, changing the subject since I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Oh. Yea, well, this is Louis." He points to the boy who had been talking. "And here's Zayn, Liam, and Niall."

"Nice to meet you boys!" I smile at them.

A/N: I seriously wrote this chapter in less than a day. I'm really tired and pissed off and gahhhhhh I don't really know why. I had really bad writers block so this chapter sucks. I'm sorry.

On a other note, I'm dreading school tomorrow. Like, shoot me now please.

On a side note, go check out my friend Priscilla's books. They are absolutely fabulous!!

-Caroline isn't a happy camper

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