The Forgotten

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"W-What are you doin h-here." Ky stuttered. Ky was the pack runt. She was never very pretty. She was supposed to be a beta, but she wasn't allowed because she was the runt. " I'm here to check on you." said Jace. Well Jace is the mean scary player of the pack he also took my place as the beta. At first I was ok with it at first, but that changed when He started letting the power go to his head and became a player. He has been with all the girls except the alpha also known as my bestfriend Billy. She said somethin about savin herself. I don't know and I don't care. I just wish Jace was back to the way he was before he was the beta. if I could take back what i said to let him become the beta I would've. "i don't want you to check on me so get. you just want to tease me but i won't let you so get." I spat in his face. Wow that was me since when did i sound like that. "Oh you did not just tell me to get now did you." He faked being sad. He then picked me up by my throat and flung me across the room. Wow i need to get in shape. Wait that didn't hurt. It really should've hurt me or somethin. Oh wait there's the blackness of unconcienceness. Why did that feel like that I should've felt some form of pain when he flung me across the room. He is the beta after all, not only that but im the runt. "Sorry about the whole Jace sitiuation 4 weeks ago when he flung you across the room, and you went to sleeply town.' Said my bestfriend Billy. "Wait I've only been out for 4 weeks. Wow that's really good considering i'm a runt." I said. "About that well I know I'm gonna tap into some feelings when i say this, but it has to be said and im the only one who knows about this but everyone will know soon enough also Jace knows so he is in a bad mood." she rammbled on. "Listen I dont care about Jace so just get on with it ok Billy. What do you mean your gonna tap into feelings and nothing makes me cry except for my parents deaths. so please don't talk about my parents get on with it." I rammbled. "ok yourthewerewolfangelprincessthathasbeenlostsincebirth.soyourparentsweren' youwillbeoutgrowingyourruntlifeandyourfurcolorwillchangetoaglossybeautifulwhitealsoyoucankilljacefor thewronghehasdoneto you so thats why he's mad. Did you catch that." She said out of breath. Yea I caught that and Jace is gonna pay for his mistakes. "Wait am i dreaming and how long did you know this." i asked her. " I firgured it out two weeks ago when you were sleeping." She said warily. "Wait i'm the werewolf princess that has been missing since birth."

"Yeah pretty much." She shrugged her shoulders. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why me why is my life so complicated why can't I be normal! First I'm a runt and now I'm a fucking princess what the hell is up with that shiznip. And not only that but I think they got me on too many fucking meds cos I feel like a hippopotamus smoking crack while wearing a neon orange thong!!!!" Yep I'm a bit loopy. A loud crack sounded from next door. Fuck I need to get fucking plastered. " hey billy you wanna get plastered tonight then go to a park and swing. " I ask casually. " ah like good ol times. Ah what the hell I'm in although we need wolfsbane not the terrible bad kind cos that shiznip is terrible. But the good kind that gets you drunk cos that's when things get hectic." " alrighty then I'll see u when I'm ready. " we headed our deprecate wats to get ready. The first few steps were hard from the meds but after that I was feeling happier than a squirrel driving a tractor while eatin pizza. Yea I'm just that weird. I ran into a wall I never knew was there. Huh must've done some remodeling while I was in sleepy town. I looked at the new wall to see a person. We'll let me refraze that I looked up to see a dick head jace ah well FML. I was happy till he showed up. I just shoved past him and into my room. I brushed my hair put on some sweats and a tank top after I showered. Now I know what you're thinking if I'm going out then why ain't I putting nice clothes on and doing my hair. First of all because I don't feel like it and second of all we just grab wolfsbane then we head to the nearest park and drink and have a good time. Now the after party is what is fun and it's even funner cos we don't remember it. Usually it involves us being drunk off our asses and wakin up naked in IHOP it's happened on more than one occasion. " hey u ready I got the stuff." " uh yeah I'm ready. " I walked out of my room. Let the fun begin.

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