Wal-Mart fun

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We went through the forest and over the bridge to grandmas house we go. Nah we went to the park. "Did you hear about Jade. Well if you did I'm gonna tell you anyways. She rejected her mate, because he was a manwhore. Serves him right for not being able to keep it in his pants." Billy giggled like it was the funniest thing ever. How it was funny was beyond me but she was already drunk. So I'm not gonna question it. We sat on the swings. We each took turns passing the bottle back and forth. "Do you think we could go to Wally world(Wal-mart)! I need new clothes these are to tight and small." I pouted. I know I don't have a good pouty face so I probably looked like a drunk duck. And that's saying something. "Hahahaha I really need more beer tho." Billy tried pouting. She looked like a dinosaur on crack. Wait was she laughing at me pouty face. I started ignoring her for laughing at my face. She got off the swing and walked away. What she was doing was beyond me. I wanted to know what she was doing but I stayed on the swings. Fifteen minutes later she came back with more alcohol. I giggled. "Let's go to Wally world now!" I slurred. Billy just nodded her head like it was gonna fall off. We passed a bunch of strangers. One of them even grabbed my ass. I giggled at them, but kept walking. We got there n no time at all. We walked in like two drunkerds. Hey don't judge us. We started grabbing different clothes. We put them in the buggy. Well until it got full. I got mad for it getting full. So I jumped in and started jumping on the clothes to mash them down. We paid for the clothes and called someone to come pick them up at the front desk. We didn't leave even tho we were done. We started playing hide and go seek. We also had buggy races. If you have never had a buggy race you haven't lived. I won because Billy kept falling. I laughed every time she did. We saw a bunch of people passing as weird glances. Finally I had enough of it. I walked up to one person and slapped them. Yup they had a red mark. Billy saw me do it so she did the same exact thing. Ah I love my BFF. Someone called the police and we we're put in jail. We laughed at the fat police officer who kept getting jelly on his face. We laughed at the damned cat too. Where the cat came from I have no clue. Eventually someone came and bailed us out. We went home and passed the fuck out. Hey can you blame us it 5:00 in the morning.

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